ok so if you want to be the cheaper shop in neopia you need to know this: the shop wizard follows a system when showing you the cheapest items. It is organized by the first letter of everyone's username. Here is how they are grouped: an0 bo1 cp2 dq3 er4 fs5 gt6 hu7 iv8 jw9 kx_ ly mz hope it helps ;D (fallen_eden pet page)
hmmm... I think it means that if you want to be picked alot in the shop wiz... create an account with those in the very beginning^^
no that shows what group you are in e.g. Simple3456 would be in the group with fs5 as the name has the s at the beginnin get it???
its easy, look if your username starts with p as mine, you need to look for the item untiul the shop wiz found your letter groups, so when that happen you simply put 1 np less than the cheaper of your grups, so people will see you as cheaper
if your username begins with "j" you need to refresh the shop wiz until it list usernames that begins with jw9 so if the first username that appears its "wait" (for example) thats your group