i barely go wildy... hehe =) so.. could say never pk anything... but i guess i did a once get a runites =)
oh... i see... i quited long time ago... when i try to access my account yesterday... my last logged in was at feb 2002 haha... luckily i still remember my passwords... and also lucky that they still keep their database... i've been a member once for 2 mths... then quited hehe... bored of it so i got a dragon baxe =)
In Rs classis I had a level 39 prayer beast and I pked 39 Rune 2 handers also had a lvl 14 wine pker who pked 1000 ruby ammys no joke
classic better... i mean the real old one in 2001 hehe... i'm lagfree that time... but now... very lag =X
LOL... both of you made me laugh a lil... PK can stand for [P]arty [K]iller also lol... [P]orn [K]ing
I like that one, lol. [P]layer [J]acking Where one player steals another player's kill in the wildy by pawning/killing/whupping them. Its two-kills-for-the-price-of-one. I once got some d legs, thats it. Used a d scimmy, the Ape Atoll quest was hard though. :roll:
best pk'd item ummm sharks lmao lost; 2 full sets of rune 1 black red mystic full with prayer book dragon weps lots of runes lots of food red drag range amor magic bows (when they was worth summit decent lmao)
i always dia at wilderness, but my brother found a full rune set, full helm and 2 handed sword, i was so happy and me so jealous, lol the guy who lost that was spaming my brother cuzwas a programaded battle and a third friend should picked it up, but he was.. stupid xP
i once got 2342 death runes, 1723 blood runes, 3 abbysal whips and like 323 sharks, and some other things i cant remember off the top of my head (probaly some rune armor ect.) , in 3 hours of pking as i joined in some clan wars uninvited
ya alot of the items were picked off from the ground as it was a clan wars and everyone kept dieing everywhere, so i just ran around picking up items and killing people along the way XD
Ahem.. when i was a nooby and santas were worth 300k or so, i accidently walked in and got killed with it =)