Okay, I read the other Dice-a-Roo cheat topic. What that guy didn't take into account was that when you get to the silver die, you're very likely to get the Pant Devil die side, which actually STEALS one of your items... you don't want that, do you? Of course if you're not at the computer, you won't know what happened. You'll come back and probably see more items in your inventory than you had before, but who knows what was stolen? Not to mention, there's a way to be a lot smarter about getting your jackpots too.... Step 1 - Okay, if you want to do it right, get yourself a cheap, ghettofy-able macro recorder like I have. I don't remember where I got mine, but it was made by a company called Kratronic - good luck. Second, open Dice-a-Roo to the screen where the king tells you what the jackpot is in two separate tabs or windows. Record a macro that clicks on the refresh button and then Okay on the "Postdata/Resend/yada yada" dialog box. Set the macro to repeat about 900 times, at which point your pet will be tired of playing. This macro repeats the last action you took, which will be rolling the die. In one of the Dice-a-Roo screens, click Lets Play, then Play Dice-a-Roo. Start your macro. You need to tinker with the delay between the mouse clicks because you don't want it to be too slow, but you DO want it to be slow enough so that you can see the rolls of the dice. Sit down, eat a sandwich, drink a beer, and watch it go. Step 2 - If you see yourself get to the yellow die, put down the sandwich and the beer and get ready to stop the macro. As soon as you see the Next Level - Congratulations, kill it. Now open up your inventory in a third tab/window and put everything away so that the Pant Devil doesn't get it. Don't worry, it doesn't affect your chances of winning. Leave it open so if you get something from a random event or from a dice roll you can put THAT away too. Step 3 - Go back to the other unused Dice-a-Roo screen showing the king and the jackpot amount. Refresh the page. Why? Because the LAST thing you want to do is win a 470np jackpot, or worse, win a 470np jackpot with a x10 mulitplier. Refresh this page until the jackpot is at an amount you really feel like going for, and then go back to the other page and roll the die. If you go for a while without losing or winning and you're skeptical about the jackpot, go back and check again. If you win, congratulations. If you lose, you need to go through the whole routine again from the beginning. But either way, at least you played it smart 8)
if you type in Kratronic to google you get a macro recorder / mouse and key recorder is that what you had? if so do you still have your list or file or whatever you use with it?
hey yes, that's exactly what I have and I can just tell you how to use it here. it's not all that complex, lol first you actually have to take the first few steps, aka hitting the Play dice-a-roo button, then click the record button on the Macro recorder. Click on your refresh button and then Okay or Yes in the Dialog box that appears and then click the record button again to stop the macro. Then you go to the tab that says Macro Code, click on Insert (above) and Insert Delay. Insert a delay after the first line and another after the second line. I have a cable connection and a 300 delay then 200 works perfect for me. 8) Glad to help P.S. Alt-Pause/Break stops the recorder. took me a while to figure that out :lol:
hey i don't want to sound rude, but i don't think i can explain how to do it in any simpler terms than i did above, short of posting the exact macros. it's worth it for you to learn how to write the macros yourself though, so you can use them for other things as well
Ok thanks anyway i will try and figure it out....I got a negg thats the best thing i got from dice-a-roo
hey muh pleasure the biggest jackpot i've won so far was 170-some thousand.... LOVED that... as far as items go though, i've never gotten a faerie bottle or anything other than common food or lottery tickets from playing it i'm beginning to have my doubts about those "rare items"
hey I'd like to make it clear to everyone that there is NO WAY to guarantee a win at Dice-a-Roo.... there's no way to even guarantee you'll make it to the silver die at all on any given day. Sometimes you don't. But since you'er gonna play it anyway, my guide is to help you play it as smart as possible. You can maximize your profits when you DO win and minimize your losses when the silver die/pant devil tries to nail you.
I've been using the other cheat for about two weeks every day and have yet to win anything other than food. Before that I generally played it maybe three times a week until my pet was bored. I stop it every few minutes while using the cheat to take a look at my inventory and to clear it out so I can see whats going in and lowing the chance of something being taken. I just want the avatar.... It's worth playing.. Sort of. The food items will usually give you a higher profit than the game cost, but selling something worth that little is a pain. I usuaully donate or just feed it to my pets. Generally, you won't get to the Yellow or Silver Dice in most games. Whle playing the game legitly by hand, I've noticed it to be very rare. However I got my only Jacko event while playing Dice a Roo. Any heavy refresh game is worth it.
hey There is a 0% freeze rate with this. Neopets can't tell the difference bewteen you hitting buttons or the macro program hitting buttons for you.
i also noticed that on some computers that on the page after the dice king click the start game button then immediately start pressing spacebar. everytime u press spacebar, its like a click and if u do it for about 5 minutes, its like playing 500 games... i get about 15 foods everytime i do it and an occasional jackpot