??? what do you mean??? a program that could find your birth date if you entered a random one when you signed up for neopets???? If so i could be loaded with acounts...ive lost about 5 or 6 that way.lol
You're only allowed 3 guesses per day, to the best of my knowledge. Same with passwords, that's why password guessers don't work any more. A birthday guesser would have to go through thousands of birthdays before it got it right.
uh this has been posted before. There were birthday cracking programs, which worked fine and cracked the bdays on accounts in less than 5 mins, but as hally said, now you can only guess 3 times in a row (since about a month ago), and that's the limit.. so they no longer work.
They do not work anymore Mutant. This was TNT's genious counterattack agaist account and b-day crackers. Not that many of us didn't expected it to come. the question was just when. But if you'd like to do it the manual way, you only need wherebouts 120 days ^_^ NF he account you wish to crack. Check their age. And try all the 365 possible dates of that year they were born. Not that I think anyone would even bother doing this x)