I do not take credit for this. Abominable Snowball Acko Airax Alabriss Albat Alkenore Altachuck Altalaphus Angelpuss Antwerph Anubis Apis Arkmite Avabot Babaa Babith Baby Blu Baby Fireball Baby Space Fungus Babyca Baraga Barbat Barlow Bartamus Bat boy Batterfly Bazatlan Bearog Beekadoodle Beepalite Bika Bilguss Biyako Bleamix Blibble Blobagus Blooky Bloop Bloopy Blorbis Blorpulous Blugar Bluna Blurgah Blurtle Bogie Boween Bowla Bubblebee Bubbles Bubblisaur Buzzer Buzzler C430 Autobot Cadro Calabat Candychan Candy vampire Carma Carmariller Catamara Charnie Cheerlub Chezzoom Chomper Chuchuana Chumablah Cirrus Clompkin Cobrall Combobot Cougi Crabby Crabula Crocalu Crokabek Crystacat Cubett Cuttlebot Cybit Cyodrake Darpinch Dartail Deaver Delfin Devilpuss Diddler Ditsy Djuti Doglefox Donksaur Drackobunny Drackonack Dragoyle Dribblet Droolik Drugal Dua Duocorn Eelika Eizzil Erisim Ettaphant Eustabee Faellie Fangy Feepit Felf Felly Feloreena Filamen Fir Fleeper Flerper Fleurbik Flightning Bug Flipperbot Flippy Flishy Flizzardo Florta Flosset Floud Flowper Foobug Frillabon Frogarott Frogler Froiler Fungree Furwitch Frowny Gabar Gallion Gangee Ganuthor Garooda Gathow Geb Ghostkerchief Ghostkerfish Ghoti Gikerot Glupfir Gnar Gobbler Goldy Goople Goulblee Grackle Bug Gratlik Greeble Green Tentacle Gremble Griefer Grobrin Gruslen Gulper Gumblesh Gwalla Gwortz GX-4 Haseebot GX-4 Oscillabot Gypmu Harris Hasee Haseepuss Hegelob Hermiteese Hooklen Hoovle Hopso Hornsby Horus Huggy Huggy Bear Hydruplit Icklesaur Intesteen Jawshell Jinjah Jowlard Juma Kadoatie Karren Kateil Kazeriu Kelpflake Khamette Khnum Khonsu Khura Kimbi Kookith Kora Krawk Krawkadon Krikket Leeble Lil Frankie Liobits Lizark Lurman Lutra Lyins Magaral Magtile Mallard Manjeer Marafin Mastyxi Mazzew Meekins Meepit Melton Melvie Meowclops Meturf Miamouse Millipod Mimbi Minitheus Mirgle Moink Moltenna Moltenore Momba Mortog Mummy Baby Mundo N-4 Information Retrieval Bot Naalala Narwhool Navibot Neotrak Neucloop Niptor Noak Noil Noilkeet Nuk Nupie Nuranna Octorna Ona Orbulon Orp Ownow Palmplat Pandaphant Pawkeet Peadackle Peedleedoo Peo Pepito Petoot Pfish Phnard Pickulsaur Pikis Pinceron Pinklet Pirakeet Piraket Plathydon Polarchuck Ponka Pooka Popblew Poppit Powtry Primella Psimouse Puppyblew Pwerko Quadrapus Quadrone Quetzal Quilin Raindorf Ramosan Reptillior Roaderie 1000 Robocrush Roburg 3T3 Rock Rollatron Romeep 3T3 Rotoblur 4000 Rotawheel Sandan Sandpoint Sauropod Scado Scamander Scarabug Scout Unit Screal Screwtop Searex Seece Selket Seti Sharky Schmoonie Shocket Short Fuse Skelly Skindle Sklyde Skootle Bug Skree Slogmok Slorg Slorgclops Sludgy Slugawoo Slymook Smiley Snarhook Snauberack Snicklebeast Snomorg Snoogy Snorkle Snorlkin Snotbunny Snowbunny Snowickle Snuffly Soreen Spallard Spardel Spirkle Splime Splyke Spoppy Spoppy II Spoppy III Sproing Spyder Spyven Stahkee Stego Stopngo 400 Sunutek Surzard Sutekh Swabby Symol Taigar Tanizard Tapira Tasu Taweret Teasqito Teemyte Tekkal Tenna Tigermouse Tootum Tralbak Triffin Trumpadon Trunkard Tuceet Turdle Turmac Turnali Turtmid Turtum Tyrowbee Uggatrip Uggazew Ukali Ultra Mega Bot 2000 Ultra Pinceron Unifox Unioctobr> Urchull Vacana Vacumactic 9000 Vaeolus Vullard Wadjet Wain Walein Walking Carpet Warf Weeble Weewoo Wheelie Wheelie Bot Whinny Whoot Wibreth Woolypapith Wreathy Wuzzer Wuzzle Xepru Yoakie Yooyu Yullie Zamillion Zebba Zebie Zomutt Zoomik Zumagorn
ahhh, the wonderful neoitems site. 8) thats where i made up my own igloo autobuyer list. but still, if you search for petpets.. it gives you petpets of all colours.. must have been tough work for your friend to search for them and delete them out.
wow, i didn't know that many petpets existed. Good thing i'm not a petpet collector bec. i would have to spend a lot of money just to get every single petpet and even getting duplicates to paint
yeah....petpetpet are somewhat cheaper...so you probably can complete a gallery of them for the price of some actual petpets. I mean...isn't the Quilin like 13mil. I think thats the most expensive petpet i've seen
Wow. I never know there were that many. I think some of them are so expensive that not many people have them.
Candychan 18-20mil is the most expensive. Until you start going into the R180 50mil petpet (Name isnt coming to mind xD) (anyone wondering candychans stock at shop 61 )