200m peanut dash!!! Guides/TIPS

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by pandahorde, Dec 20, 2006.

  1. pandahorde

    pandahorde Level IV

    Dec 17, 2006
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    But on to the hints. I regularly get 200m, mostly because I tend to do well in button-mashing games. Keep your sitting posture correct, and mash right and left buttons together (yes, together) with your LEFT hand (or right hand if you're left-handed; if you're ambidextrous then lucky you, you can use either!) while dangling your right hand down and shaking it to loosen any tension and increase blood flow. When the bar reaches red (or as far as your bad hand can reach), switch to your good hand and mash mash mash! If your good hand starts higher on the bar, it doesn't have as much time to tire so you can tense up all you like (but uh... not too much). As with all button-mashing, try not to lift the finger TOO high off the keyboard. I do better on laptop computers as the keyboards are flatter.

    And on occasion, I get over 200m. It might be a glitch, but you can get points for it. Just as the bar reaches the max, slam left, right, and up all together at the same time and the bar may go over (at the other end, the red turns into the background color). My longest distance is 230 (the distance that contributed to my juicy high score!). But if it is a glitch, it is an extremely difficult glitch to take advantage of, and what's more is that it is the only way possible to grand master the game. Also, I don't see any of the trophy winners getting frozen for this, so it probably was intentional. Want more evidence? There's a book called "300m Peanut Dash Guide Book" which sells for about 90,000. Nup, it's not a typo. It really calls it 300m.

    As you are running, go right up to the shadow (the game gives you time for this as logs don't start before 50m). Then continuously tap right and left, so you just need to press up when you see a log (and there are never two logs in a row). When the peanut eventually falls, take a last 2x flip and try to catch it in midair. 50 points! Though sometimes, the peanut falls just after a log and you'll have to settle for a less spectacular jump.

    There are plenty of ways to maximize your points on 200m Peanut Dash, plus a number of little tricks to help you with these steps.

    First of all, you need to maximize the throwing distance. The game tells you you must alternately pres the left arrow then the right arrow etc to get the bar full up, but to be honest, there's a much easier way to get maximum throwing distance. If you use your index and ring finger both at the same time on the left and right arrow keys, the power bar will increase much quicker. You need to try and maintain it near the top then use your middle finger (or a finger from the other hand) to press them up button. I usually manage to get about 190m and occasionally 200m if I time it right.

    So once you've got your 190m throw, you need to work on the jump. Yet again, most people see the log and immediately use the keys to make a jump. But for those of you who have tried, you'll realize that often you can't press all the buttons quick enough! But there's a simple way round this! You don't ACTUALLY have to press all the buttons as soon as you see the log. The best way to play is to press the first number of keys, and wait. When the log comes up simply press the ^ button and you'll do a fantastic jump!

    I recommend doing a 2x back flip. To do this you need to first catch up with the shadow. Once your caught up, pres >, <, >, <. (That's right left right left). Keep your finger poised over the ^ (up) button, and when the log appears press it! You'll do an amazing flip!)

    So you've got to remember, after you've done your first flip IMMEDIATELY press >, <, >, <, and get poised on the up key for the next log. This should rack you up another 70 of points if you get them all.

    Another thing you need to do is, when you see the peanut coming down, DO ANOTHER JUMP. You'll get a "supercatch" bonus for getting it in the air which will be around 50 points if you do the 2x back flip.

    If you do this all correctly, you should manage to get anything from 820-900 points!


    In order to get a trophy, you have to be able to throw your peanut further than 200 meters. In order to do that follow these easy (but somewhat difficult to accomplish) steps:

    1. Position your mouse over the (-) minimize button on the game window before charging your power bar.
    2. Charge your power as high as you can (all the way to the top or as close as possible).
    3. Press and HOLD the minimize button while hitting the LEFT, RIGHT, and UP arrows on your keyboard for a few seconds longer.
    4. Continue pressing all three arrows while positioning your mouse pointer on the GAME PICTURE (not on the bar where the minimize feature is located).
    5. HOLD down the three arrow buttons.
    6. Stop holding down the mouse button.
    7. Double back/front flip over all the logs and catch the peanut in the air while doing a double back/front flip.

    This should make it possible to throw the peanut 220-250 meters every time, and the jumps and the catch is up to you. My highest single round within a game is 360 points following this method and my highest game (so far!) is 1050.

    The double jumper:
    You may have noticed that when playing 200m Peanut Dash that is is hard to get in some of the codes before reaching the log. Then you you this strange flip-fall and get behind, causing you to be late with the NEXT code. I discovered a little trick to this. You still do pretty well point-wise if you just do a normal jump but you don't want that! You want the 2x back flip! First thing (After shooting the peanut) run till you're a little behind the shadow. Then press the right arrow, left arrow, alternating constantly. Hold the right arrow longer if you start to lag. As soon as you see the log, press up and watch the strange, yet entertaining, flip over the log. When the Puppyblew hits the ground, continue pressing the arrows. I can't guarantee you'll always get the back flip but you WILL get one of them! And don't forget to press up to catch the peanut! There's nothing cooler than getting the extra points for a super catch! There it is. It's working really well for as my high score has went from 500 to 880! Hope this is useful!

    Jumping tricks:
    I've noticed that, the logs never appear before 50m, and usually start there, but not always. Also, there will never be two logs in a row. So if you jump at 50m, you won't jump at 60m--you'll most likely jump again at 70m or later. What I do, is prepare myself to jump at 50, and a little after halfway between 40 and 50, I press the buttons for a front flip. About 80% of the time, I jump over the log. The other 20%, the log just isn't there. ;) If the log isn't there, jump immediately, in case it's at 60m. After jumping your first log, the next one is generally 20m after, so be prepared to jump. :D However, the game doesn't always follow this pattern, sometimes a log will be 30m or 40m after the previous one. And always try to jump when the peanut comes down!

    The tip about holding down the arrow keys? Yeah that doesn't work, and if it does, the game just doesn't like me. Doing the special jumps over the logs? Once again, the game must just hate me, because no matter how I jump, I always get 10 points for each log. What /does/ count, though, is how you jump to catch the peanut, for a bonus.

    ● Straight Jump: 10 super catch bonus
    ● Front flip: 30 super catch bonus
    ● Back flip: 30 super catch bonus
    ● 2x front flip: 50 super catch bonus
    ● 2x back flip: 50 super catch bonus

    Trouble jumping over logs?
    If you have trouble jumping over the logs, I learned that if you press right left right left then wait till the next log, right before you hit the next log press up and you will do a double flip. Thus, it will not matter how fast you press the jump keys.

    Don't sweat about the timing:
    Before a log comes, you can hit Left Right Left Right, and then wait for a log. It doesn't matter how far the log is away. When the log comes all you have to do is hit up and you do a double back flip over it. I have been on the high score list (top 200) because of this. Also if you are doing a double back flip as you are catching the peanut you gain 50 extra points. Just thought you should know!

    Mini game guide:
    I tried jut holding down the two arrow keys to power up, but it haven't worked for me, or maybe I just don't understand what to do. Anyways, another I found that I use for myself is that you don't have to press left, right, left, right, left, right and so on. What I have been doing is pushing down left and right and the same time. It does make your fingers tired a bit, but at least not a tired as pushing left, right, left, right, left, right, left, right etc. etc. etc.

    I also have a problem with these logs. I always trip over them no matter what I do. So, I have finally found a way to jump over them (Hip-hip-horary!). After 50 or 60 meters, logs will start appearing. As soon as you shoot the peanut, run right underneath the peanut's shadow. Then, making your own good decision, decide when it's about half a meter and start the left, right, left, right part of your 2 front flip, and once you see the log, press up. If you find that you are getting a bit late, just do one front flip. If you do hit a log, be sure to run under the shadow of the peanut.

    As for getting a bonus for catching the peanut, as soon as you see the tip of the peanut at the top of your screen coming down, do two front/back flip. Just a little note, I never send my score unless I get a bonus for all three tries, so this way I don't waste my limit of sending scores.

    Catching air bonus:
    If you catch the peanut in the air (i.e. jump and touch it before it hits the ground) you get a 30-50 point bonus.
  2. gitanil

    gitanil Level II

    Dec 2, 2006
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    New York
    Alright I guess I don't know where you dug these guides out of but these are kind of useless. All these guides for games that been sent to the graveyard eons ago.
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    sorry but... old/10
  4. astrospride

    astrospride Level III

    Dec 12, 2006
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    Lol maybe he should have checked if the game still exists?
  5. chelsea1

    chelsea1 Level IV

    Nov 26, 2006
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    it's an ok guide although it's very hard to get the trophy even the scar scripts cannot get it (unless they get veryveryveryvery lucky but some weird abnormality)
    the king of scar deathader's script only gets you to 1020 whcih isn't a trophy score
  6. pandahorde

    pandahorde Level IV

    Dec 17, 2006
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    of course 200m peanut dash exist...hhhmmm yup...its hard to get the trophie...
  7. Anonymous

    Anonymous Guest

    but i'm wondering HOW people get those high scores. :?

    it seems impossible. unless they have a macro program, (SCAR)
    or a totaly glitched keyboard.... hmmm...

    those are the questions that keep me up at night... lol
  8. chelsea1

    chelsea1 Level IV

    Nov 26, 2006
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    [font size=4] only kidding :lol:[/font size]
  9. impega

    impega Level III

    Dec 7, 2006
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    Nottingham (SHOTTS!)
    High Score

    I have answered that question already...
    http://www.neofriends.net/phpBB2/viewto ... ophy+guide

    Although the file doesn't work, it still says how you get such high scores