LOL. I remember posting an account that got a trophy review score and my trophy wasn't given to me for like a week so I self-iced? WELL. The first time I emailed them, Heidi responded to me, saying I had too many active accounts so she won't give it back. Second time, I got a reply from Heidi again almost a month later which was today and I forgot about it too, and she tells me that I was frozened cuz I cheated. But the thing is that they never even caught me. It's pretty hilarious. Then, TNT changed my password so that I can't get in to see the reason I was frozened anymore In a sense, I helped them figure out I cheated cuz I emailed them about getting the acct back. But still. It was pretty funny actually o_o
I don't think they changed your password, I think they IP banned you because you get the password is bad screen when you are IP banned.
My past 3 TNT rant was on here. I like how no mods moved it yes? Don't call me honey, lil boy. & i didn't say I was IP banned. I can still log in and do normal neopets stuff.
It's not spam. You haven't done or read enough of anything on Neofriends to make a judgment call like that.
Aha Mooie. I've gotten a Heidi respond to my account on neopets before. She wasn't very friendly. I always try to get Charlotte or Brandon, they seem to be the most forgiving.
I guess...send multiple support forms >< I got Charlotte a few times. But she seems to be more ignorant on the fact you say "No automated msges" But oh well. You don't expect TNT to listen much.
That's strange I didn't knew you could differenciate the TNT admins. I've never got a warning anyways yet so I might no it soon enough.
It's more of a luck thing I guess. I've almost always gotten Charlotte besides a few time. Maybe it depends what day you submit them?
I've dealt with both Charlotte and Emily...trying to get my frozen account back that was legit and I didn't do anything wrong with...and I've never received a personal response with either, both of them just have given me automated messages.
I've previously gotten 2 accounts back from Charlotte. And Brandon is cool because we have the same name.