I'm just gonna rant about myself for once ( :tehe: ) Uh, well - I've been kinda sick lately, and I havn't been able to eat anything D: but now I'm fine again, but the problem is that I still can't eat! I literally only eat at lunch (that is like every 24th hour) and it's ONLY to prevent myself from falling asleep in school. I feel physically sick every time I eat, I feel like I'm gonna throw up! And it annoys me SO MUCH because I'm a girl that usually eats pretty much, but as soon as I don't eat, I loose A LOT of weight. I've lost like 3 kiloes the last 3 days =0 I dont know if it's because my body has gotten used to not eating while I was sick :s I just know that I LOVE food, and lately it has just been something that disguist me ! I hate it because I get way too skinny when I don't eat, and it's not pretty ! (No offence to anyway, but I don't work out, so I look like someone who's starving themself). It's really hard when you live by yourself because I don't have anyone to eat with me :b yeah, I've tried going out with my friends at restaurants, but I just end up eating nothing because it makes me feel sick.. I have no clue what to do, I'm kinda scared that if I tell anyone they'll think I'm doing it on purpose (it's because I used to be an anorexic like 4 years ago, I'm way passed that though. But my family looks out for me, and always think I'm still in that place >.<) Should I go to the doctor? Has anyone experienced the same and did it just go over in a couple of days/weeks? This has been going on for 5 days or so since I've gotten passed being sick. So I dont know if I should just wait it out. But my body usually get's used to starvation when I don't eat because of my past, so I'm kinda blaming that :s
Because when the sun passes the moon a candle falls onto a cactus which leads to another millennium of forest fires!
Then don't reply. In my view I think you're correct in that your body got use to you not eating, I've been ill for like 2weeks now, nothing serious but i'm probably eating half of my usual food :\ and when (if) I get better It'll take time to build it up i guess. What you should do is try smaller portions of meals more frequently, have a banana every couple of hours etc, Just stuff to keep you constantly eating small stuff. and as for telling friends, it's a tricky situation, anyone who hasn't experienced anorexia or other eating disorders fails to understand. personally i'd keep it to yourself, but ONLY IF YOUR 100% it's not reoccuring, just make sure your bodies not doing it subconsciously without you realising it. Otherwise then you'll be in a trouble some place :/ <3
WEIRD! My cousin has this sort of problem at the moment. She's had a chest infection and water infection and has barely eaten for about 3 weeks. Now she's starting to feel a bit better, but still can't eat. She thinks she's hungry and then when she starts to eat or smells food, it makes her feel sick. We've been worrying that she has some kind of eating disorder because she suffers from anxiety and her hair has started coming out in clumps, which is a sign that she's stressing. Thinking maybe it could be because she starts college next week and is nervous about that. Anyway, she had some of her blood test results back recently and the doctor has said that there seems to have been a slight change in the way her liver is functioning so they're investigating that more at the moment. That's all they've said so we're still in the dark, but I'm wondering if the fact that she wasn't eating has caused her liver function to change and this is maybe what's making her feel sick? Anyway, go to the doctors. Malnutrition can cause some serious problems (as it seems to be doing with her) and means that you're putting a lot of stress on your body because it's trying to function without you providing it with enough fuel, so to speak. Hope you're feeling better soon anyway <3
OH yeah, I really know how people don't understand. It's REALLY frustrating D: I've had the thought about it reoccouring, but nah, I just really don't think so. I'm also thinking that maybe it's just an old habbit coming back, without ME wanting it (probably what you meant xD) but idk. Maybe I should just wait some time and see what happens, and if it goes on, yeah I should seek help .. And about eating smaller portions, I did try that.. But it just makes me sick, and then I don't want to. I know I should but I hate that feeling xD People have also commented on the weight loss, and I'm running out of excuses =0
Aww, sorry bout your cousin D: and yeah, the body get's SO weird when it's starving, I know.. also one of the reasons I'm kinda freaked out atm because I dont wanna go through all that again /: I guess I'll just wait a couple of days and see if I wanna eat again, and if I don't I should go. Maybe I'm just worrying too much, but it's also because, like you said, your body really f*cks up xD
Hmm... The fact that you're making excuses makes me wonder if the anorexia may be reoccuring though... I don't know much about eating disorders, but could it be possible that it's sort of... you know, subconscious? Like you don't fully realise what's happening? You know how people can convince themselves that there isn't a problem when there is? Please don't just wait and see though. Better to go to the doctors and find out it's nothing than wait and then find it's harder to get yourself healthy again
Yeah I see what you mean - but I'm only making excuses so people don't get the wrong idea, when they know how sick I was once (I lost 15 kiloes in no time!). But really, I don't think it's coming back. I've been through so much, and I've realized how STUPID it is, and how much it ruins my body D:
It's impossible for someone to FULLY understand who hasn't experienced anything themselves, I can vaguely understand to a limited extent due to my ex gf suffering extremely. But even during that time, any time she was " too ill" to eat, I ALWAYS thought that it was restarting, which caused stress and could potentially of set her off again :/ so yeh it's such a tough concept to understand for anyone. I think you shouldn't leave it any later than tomorrow to make an appointment, as otherwise you're looking at monday which is 4 days away. Too long...
Oh no, they don't.. really.. That's probably why it's always a secret, people just look at you as a depressed, attention-seeking little girl :s Humm, yeah, I'd better call the doctor tomorrow then ..
Something similar to this happened to me at the beginning of the summer. My family and I went on a trip and there was like no food for 4 days. For like a month and a half I was like not hungry and I didn't eat a lot and everybody though that I was anorexic. You just have to start eating progressively bigger meals even if it makes you feel kind of sick. Start small and eventually you'll feel better.
Well sometimes when your body feels physically better, your actual "system" might not be, so maybe you can wait out another week? There are some points even when i'm NOT sick that I don't feel like eating {One meal a day like you} and I just had to wait it out, and I LOVE food too. What I found helps, is cook something with sweet and sour sauce {Us chinese cooks tomatos with fried eggs and hmmm the ketchup/tomato sauce is REAL good} and avoid things like cheese and all those stuff cuz sometimes when I smell those I feel sick too. If the problem continues, you CAN could do the doctor, good luck with everything Freja! I love you
I had a similar problem, and I had to go see a nutritionist. We had to plan out exactly what I was going to eat, and it felt uncomfortable to eat again, but it did help me in the long run.