A Couple of questions

Discussion in 'Neopets Chit-Chat' started by Shawn, Aug 27, 2009.

  1. Shawn

    Shawn Level IV

    Jul 15, 2009
    Likes Received:
    Somewhere, lah.
    1. Why would people buy legit neopoints when they are already more expensive than illegit neopoints, and the act of selling the neopoints itself is already illegit.

    2. This one is about birthday cracking. Since if you already knew the username and password of an account, it means you can change the email of that account. After changing the email address, it is possible to get neopets to email you the pin number. So why does anyone actually need PIN cracking? Unless the change email address and email PIN functions are disabled/not allowed for some accounts.
  2. Vanessa

    Vanessa Level I

    Dec 18, 2006
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    I'm not too sure about 2.
    But I've always wondered the same for 1, you're on a Neopets cheating forum and buying neopoints and earning them illegitly so why complain whether they were obtained through ABing or not, plus there's a risk when you suspiciously transfer millions from account to account, you might get frozen from that factor alone..
    But I guess this is just a blackmarket rhetorical question that we'll never truly know the answer to.
  3. souske88

    souske88 Level I

    Aug 24, 2009
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    Illiegit neopoint are risky maybe because they pose a higher risk of getting caught. If TNT decides to track down how those NPs were made, you'd be in trouble, so it's always nice to buy legit NPs - it's at about $6/mill, which is cheaper than any other NP selling site.
  4. ricothegreat221

    ricothegreat221 Level II

    May 8, 2009
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    As souske said, the risk is much lower with legit NP.

    First off, masking mass transfers is doable, albeit hard. Second, I'm not sure about TNT's workload... but if time forces them to make the choice of tracking down sold illegit NP, or sold legit NP, which do you think they'll pick? Third, if you buy illegit NP, and the account(s) you purchase from are frozen for AB'ing, scamming, etc. the account(s) you use to make the transaction with will most likely be implicated in a chain-ice type deal.
  5. Elhoof

    Elhoof Level III

    Sep 29, 2007
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    Out of My mind Back in 5
    I'm with Rico, there is probably a system where more suspicious accounts are monitored more carefully for strange deals. If TNT is already watching a suspicious account and suddenly Neopoints are siphoning out of that account into another it'll be chilllin' time. On the other hand if a non-suspicious that is not being watched had a couple mill go from the account no-one will probably notice. In a thread I asked about whether transfer or AB was where people get nabbed and I think lightning said he had never been nabbed making a transfer so if I guess yea, having different prices for legit and illegit NP makes some sense
  6. Tricia

    Tricia Level IV

    Dec 2, 2006
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    Illegit neopoints are more expensive because the seller is more likely to be frozen, eg. for ABing. If a user is frozen for ABing, they are likely to check to see if they have been transferring NP/items to any other accounts and freeze those too so therefore, you're putting your account at risk. With legit, you don't have that added risk; just the risk that someone will notice the NP transfer and freeze for that.
  7. ricothegreat221

    ricothegreat221 Level II

    May 8, 2009
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    Um, in my experience, legit NP has always been more expensive.

    Think for a second... your latest post essentially claims that it is easier to make a fortune actually restocking than by cheating (e.g., through the AU).
  8. jazzeh

    jazzeh Level I

    Jan 1, 2008
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    #2 Simple - If you have a PIN on your email, you can't change it.
  9. Tricia

    Tricia Level IV

    Dec 2, 2006
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    What he was asking was why people would buy the legit NP, not why people would charge more for it ;)
  10. Phee

    Phee Moderator
    Staff Member

    Aug 18, 2007
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    I think Tricia meant that legit np are more expensive. typo. :)

    1. Risk of buying legit np: Minimal to none. Unless the user has been selling to many different people in a short time from one account, in which case it's obvious that they're selling the np. Even in that situation, it could easily be a user handing out prizes for a giveaway or contest or something. Otherwise, it just looks like one person giving a present to another. Additionally, legit NP's are made on legit accounts, which play games, post on boards, etc.

    Risk of buying illegit: nps are made from suspicious activities, like scoresending/abing. If TNT tags the account, even if it doesn't freeze for ABing or SSing, it may freeze when it sees these suspicious activities coupled with the export of a large amount of np. This leads to the receiving account(s) being iced as well.

    2. Birthday cracking is entirely different from PIN cracking. PIN cracking is real cracking, which is not allowed on this forum, along with password/account cracking, FLP's etc. Birthday "cracking" isn't really cracking, it's more "bypassing"- you bypass the required birthday input on inactive log-ins when the account is logged into on NeoMobile, resetting the last log-in date on the account. NeoMobile doesn't require the birthday on old/inactive accounts when logging in. Though TNT has caught on and NeoMobile is down.

    Obviously you don't need birthday cracking if you're already logged into the account. On a side note, if you lose access to the email you used for your account and forgot your pin, you're screwed because you can't recover your pin without your real, and you can't change your email without your pin.