A guide to DION virtupets repair hangar.

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by Gil, Jan 19, 2007.

  1. Gil

    Gil Level II

    Jan 12, 2007
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    This game is found at

    Anyway, the game is a copy to lights out, which is a pretty easy puzzle once you work out how to do it, the trick is do it in as least moves and possible However this solution is for solving the largest grid , which is the bottom one on the list. It will not be the quickest way and will not get you the maximum amount of points, but you should get about 700+.

    Anyway, consider the the rows down and the left rows 1-6 and the columns running to the right A-F.
    There may be a simple way to solve it, but if you cant see it , it is best to just follow this guide.

    1. ) Click the circuits on column B so that all of column A is lit up. Then do the same on row C so that all of row B is lit up, and so on untill the bottom. You should be left with one board still off.

    ( Sometimes it will look like this isn't the case, this may happen if you have three still turned off, in which case i usually restart. Or it may look like the one turned off is at another edge, if this the case, simply switch the rows and columns in your head. Sorry if i cant really explain this very well, if your good at puzzles it makes sense :p.)

    2. ) If A6 is off, press A1 and C1.
    If B6 is off, press D1.
    If C6 is off, press A1 and E1.
    If D6 is off, press B1 and F1.
    If E6 is off, press C1.
    If F6 is off, press D1 and F1.

    3.) Repeat the procedure i explained in step one , if completed correctly, well done , youve turned on all the lights.

    If this has helped ya, +Rep is great.

    Edit: Forgot a little bit.