on valentines day, you send it to another neopet user and you'll be able to unlock the valentines sidebar.
They start stocking in the normal shop the week before Valentine's Day, so around the 7th Feb. They stock in batches of 100 or 200 at a time (I can't remember which).
eah, between 100 and 200 at a time, if your fast, you can get 1-2 per rs, but they only rs maybe once per hour, if your lucky... last year, they barley rsed, but the year before, it was like, almost every rs...
I'm not sure of the EXACT price at the igloo, but they should be fairly cheap. Probably under 1k. Please don't double post, there's an edit button - Commy Anyone know how often MVC'S stock at the igloo?
i thought mvcs rs between 50-200 np at the igloo? i could be wrong. dont quote me. i know they -rarely- restock at the igloo. but more often probably during Feburary.
last time i rsed one in the igloo was over 6 months ago durring the off season for them, lol. it was 232 nps if i remeber correctly the best place is the gift shop with out a doubt, unless you use an igloo aber generally, they are way cheaper in shops then users sell the for they're really good to rs
I abed 7 of them today at the igloo. They cost 107NP each @ the igloo. They are about 58kish in the shop wiz.
i think the price will deflate on the valentine days or from the 7th onwards, since there will be high stock in the main shop
i got one from my valentine package. what is the valentine toolbar? would it be smarter to save and use it or sell it? also, what does everyone mean by the 'main' shop? does that mean any of the non-user shops?