A Newbies Guide to AutoBuying.

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by xmarceh, Mar 20, 2007.

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  1. xmarceh

    xmarceh Level II

    Dec 28, 2006
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    Guide to AutoBuying

    Introduction to AutoBuying
    The BEST way to earn NP on Neopets is through restocking. You make massive profits from them, and you are obviously earning more NP than people who only play games. But restocking is very boring. You have to sit and refresh for hours and hours watching the same page 1,000 times hoping for something profitable to show up.
    And here's when autobuying comes in. You just leave your autobuyer refreshing at a certain shop with the list of items of your choice and it automatically gets them for you. It's a great way of making tons of NP and it doesn't require a lot of effort.

    Choosing your AutoBuyer
    When choosing your autobuyer you want to get the one that has good features and would minimize your chances of getting frozen.
    Here are some good features to look for.

    * Something that shows your stats. (Username, Pet, NP you have in hand, etc)
    * Has random refresh intervals
    * Enables GZIP
    * Automatically checks for RS bans
    * Shows a log of activites
    * Minimizes to your system tray

    Minimizing your Chances of Getting Frozen
    So you want to AB but don't want your main account to get frozen? Well, we can't assure that but there are some things that you could to to lessen your chances of getting caught.

    1. Never ever use your main account when you're autobuying. I suggest you use a side with a different email address.
    2. Don't set it to refresh at a very fast rate. Try every 6-8 seconds.
    3. Restock things that suits your account age. You wouldn't like having a newbie account with 50 unbuyables restocked.
    4. Don't leave it running for very long periods of time. Not even a top notch restocker can refresh for 16 hours straight.

    Hiding the Relationship of your Side Account to your Main Account
    So you decided to use a side account for autobuying? Well that will all be worthless if you don't hide it's relationship from your main. Because TNT loves chain freezing.

    * When making your ABing account, always use an email address and stats (name, age, date of birth, etc.) different from your main account.
    * You should also set up proxies when you are going to use your side account.
    * If you want to learn more about proxies and setting them up then you may go here.
    * OR you could change your IP address by changing dynamic and static IP addresses.

    Transferring your Items
    Now that you have the stuff you want, of course you want them to be on your main. But there are certain things that you must do so that TNT wouldn't be suspicious of what you're doing.

    * When transferring items worth 500,000 NP - 1,000,000 NP+, don't just send it over to your main. Instead, use the trading post and get your main account to make a noob offer on it, say 10k-30k.
    * Don't accept the offer the minute it has been made. It would help if you would wait a couple of hours to show that you live in different timezones or something. :p

    Autobuying Lists
    Because of the frequent changes in the Neopian economy, prices of items may inflate or deflate, and lose it's value. So it would be wise to update your lists often and take off the stuff that wouldn't make profit anymore, and at the same time add the ones that gained value.

    Click here for a thread of compiled AB Lists

    Account Age
    Yes, your account age matters when you're RSing/ABing. The older your account is, the better the things you're gonna see when you're ABing.

    > 1 month: You can only see items r89 and below.
    1 month: You can see up to r94 items
    3+ months: You can now see up to r95+ items

    And my guide to autobuying comes to an end. I hope it helps everyone.

    If I've helped you +Rep is Greatly Appreciated. Feedback is Also Appreciated.

    Partial Credit goes to a Good friend JN who aided in Creating this Guide.
    He is a member of another cheat site, so I am posting it on this site while he posts it on the other. It look alot of time. :p

    NOTE: It would be greatly appreciated if this topic is Stickied
  2. lol2011

    lol2011 Newbie

    Mar 20, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Amazing post!! Thank you so much. Very easy to follow! :lol:
  3. antikitra

    antikitra Level IV

    Nov 18, 2006
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  4. btboy5

    btboy5 Level II

    Mar 5, 2007
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    Very nice guide. Should sticky. And +rep. :D
  5. the_skip

    the_skip Level IV

    Dec 25, 2006
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    we should combine all autobuyer guides and make a big one. THis one is pretty good but there is another better one
  6. blackoutzx

    blackoutzx Level II

    Mar 9, 2007
    Likes Received:
    Great guide, got some good info out of that
  7. dadababa

    dadababa Level II

    Mar 16, 2007
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    very nice guide +rep .. wen i get it this guide will help me
  8. rarehunternick

    rarehunternick Level II

    Mar 18, 2007
    Likes Received:
    this is a great guide.... +rep
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