I think there should be a stickied neopet price check thread. I often need helping pricing things and I don't want to spam the forum but I also don't want to spam peoples box's. (And I know this is very off topic but.... Is there a download for an autopricer. One that could price things I've ab'd from the igloo. thanks!)
you can always try the neopets boards for price checks or simply posing a price check in spam section works
There is an auto-pricer you can download that works. There is a built in one in AU, but if you can't afford that right now, then this one works: (At at least did when I last checked it!) downloads.php?d=200 If you have any problems getting it to work, PM me. If I cannot help I'll send you to Tharoux As for the price check thread, its hard to get prices for unbuyables if they're hard to sell. TP prices are often either inflated, or deflated.. So I can understand wanting other users opinions. Sounds like it MIGHT be a good idea.. Alternatively, if you feel it would be spam then spam corner is your friend
Thanks for the download! I'll check that out in a few minutes. And if enough people think they would use it and it would be helpful maybe it will be put in! But spam corner can work great too!
program-ideas-f5/ub-item-price-finder-data-collector-t33172.html That thread and this one will sort of be providing the same information..