Instead of some random birthdate, make it the date you started playing, then set the year to 1990. (So you have unlimited access) I say this because, if you forget, you can just search your account, and it will say: Started playing xDay xMonth, xYear. Good idea, no?
I dont understand...Why would I forget my own birthday? maybe I am missing somethign here, I can be quite dim
perhpaps... i guess what he means is, when creating multiaccounts for iglooing or restocking or something like that, most people would choose a total random day as the birthday in order to distract TNT . some people do have a chance to forget their passwords though... So how about make the fake birthdate easily recognizable? Good point, i never thought of that next time i create other side accounts, i will try it out!
That is a good plan, and I have been doing it recently... Other than that, making birthdays be the first day of whatever month every time is a good plan - you may not remember which month, but you only have 12 guesses. Or you could do the last. Or you could make it the same numeric day as your birthday and choose a different month. The "started playing" trick is good, but the problem is sticking with the trick long enough to remember that that was your signature. Because if you forget the trick, no matter how good it is, it's useless.
That's not a bad idea, although they can be a bit vague such as 13 months, but it definitely narrows it down alot. Another way is to simply write it down in a word document, or e-mail yourself the details. But hey, you don't need to do that as long as you remember that little trick. Edit after Icy's comment: Righty-o. Then it's a foolproof way to do it. Definitely useful when making 20 shells for resell.
Commy, the exact day that the user started playing is displayed on the you don't need to use the vague 13 months, 7 years, etc thing
or since we all know everyone here has multiple accounts u can save all account information in a text document on your computer. thats what i do.
I only have 1 accnt >:[ Although, I would just save the info to a text file instead of using various tricks like this...
I don't really see why you would need to do this @_@ Unless TNT can track your accounts if they have similar birthdays, which I doubt they'd do.
Somebody please ban this poor guy? This is way too much ! i dont think anyone should ever do this for any reason P.S. i post this only because there was a crazy guy spamming all over this thread, right now he has been banned & would never come back
As long as you are happy, please enjoy your boring life with that see you later, i have got work to do Oh! sorry, perhaps you won't be here when im back P.S. i post this only because there was a crazy guy spamming all over this thread, right now he has been banned & would never come back
I checked the "view active topics" thing and saw that this thread had 46 pages. I thought that I had gone crazy. I think that a complete loss of sanity may have been preferential to what happened. I think that an interesting point was raised on page one, about TNT tracking your birthdays. It's entirely possible that they'd chain-freeze you easier if all of your accounts have the same birthday, but maybe they don't look at that...I never really thought about it, I always just assumed that the all-knowing TNT genii would somehow link it together. Thoughts on this?
I really doubt they'd be able to link your accounts together. But hey, we all know how far TNT is willing to go to find you out >_> It's best to get someone else's opinion on it.