MAybe something that can display the wind and make the bat hit to get the kass to the highest distance possible on wind ? i don't know scar but just an idea
I think it is possible if it could dtect when the flags get to a certain oint then when the puppet gets to a certain point it clicks and hold the spacebar then when it levels out it releses then when it hits the gorund it holds until the puppet levels out and then does that till the puppet stop Yah 600th post
You are making too many suggestion today. I think you are only trying to spam... If you weren't, you would have posted all of them in only one topic...
I beilive what ricky says is true alot of people combine their ideas not make many new posts the whack a kass idea is possilbe
lol sorry but my ideas did not came simultaneosly if you know what i mean...again i am sorry i am not SPAMMING i am just an idiot :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hmmm. I don't think this would be impossible. I mean, wind direction is a number at the bottom left, which is alot easier to detect than the flag position, and the kass falls at the same speed each time, so timing the bat to swing would be easy (or at least consistant). I just don't know how you'd be able to judge how long to hold down space. But then again, if you're always hitting the kass at the same time with the same wind speed, I'd assume you can hold it down for the same amount of time as well. Hmmm. Judging when the kass hits the ground...that'd be tough.
hey i made one of these when i was bored makes the kass go when the wind is 9 and holds spacebar down until the drackonack/turtum thing comes in and says the only gets 600-700 ish though
Re: hey Yea, I made it too. The only problem is getting it to press the space bar again when it hits the floor. I can't get the code right...
Should be the same every time if the wind is the same and the bat is hitting irt at the exact time...basically, run it to just swing, and then time it
It wasn't working correctly for me. Part of the problem is that it'll still bounce the first and second time, all by itself, so it was hard to tell if I was helping it or not. And I wanted a more universal answer, so I tried to make it automatically do it based on the size of the shadow on the floor, because that was a good judgment of how close it was to the floor, but that didn't work either