How often are you guys able to grab things off of the AAA? I'm thinking of buying an account to AB there but I'm curious as to how profitable it is. All I know is you can only get 5 items and the items generally cost a lot
usually grab all 5 items ach day. with profits ranging from 50k (i've got a crap list) up to 20mil (yea.. good days ) So its very much worth it. Depending on your list though... some items are hts.. all depends on the list you run and finding the happy medium between profit and ets.
Another thing to remember is the freeze rate is really low. So if you buy one account, you probably won't have to replace it anytime soon and it should be more than able to pay itself off
R80-R99 items stock. So some stuff is hard to sell, and some is ETS. With my list I typically make at least 3-4 million a week. The ETS are usually stamps, plushies, morphing potions, and books. There is alot of HTS stuff, like some food, neohome items, school stuff, clothes, etc. Its well worth getting an account for. ^_^
Definitely, definitely worth it. TNT doesn't seem to have a method for catching people who refresh only once every 7 minutes... yet
Yep, not just that, you are allowed to RS in the AAA on 5 accounts (a main + 4 sides). TNT stated it was okay provided the points come from your main. It is the best way to make millions with little risk.