So I'm a newbie to ABing, & I've already read the guides and such, so it's not like I'm uninformed... And as much as I know how much of a liability it is to AB on your main, what about if it was just to get the Chocolate avatar? Do you think if I just set the refresh rate pretty high and kept it on for about 20 minutes it wouldn't look too out of the ordinary? Thanks.
A little over a year ago I ran an ABing program called Blade on my main almost daily for about two months without a problem. Would profit 100 to 150k a day. Eventually greed got the best of me and I pushed the envelope too far and was frozen, but the fact remains that playing it slowly and going for small gain at considerable intervals is safe. Some people might argue that if you're going to do that, you may as well RS manually but there's a big difference between sitting at a CPU for a half hour and missing the item you want (manual) and getting it (AB).
If you have never been frozen for abing, and if you dont abuse it (ab like 1ce or 2wice a week for 2 hrs), you probably shouldnt ever have any problem. Just dont get greedy, thats really the key. Oh and once uve been busted on ur IP for autobuying, you cant really ever do it on ur main, cuz they flag ur IP
i've only ever really ab'ed on my main and i haven't had a problem. just limit yourself to about an hour a day. that's enough to make a nice profit, anyway. don't get greedy - that's usually when people get frozen.
Thanks for the advice. Haha, I'm just paranoid. I need to just start doing it... And yeah, I can see how greed can EASILY get you iced.
I don't get it. I AB the Igloo, on both mains. Takes two or more hours to get ten items, so I'm usually running it four or more hours a day. Have not been frozen. Does Neo see a different in Main Shop and Igloo ABing?
Its ok but dont get greedy im sure if you ask most people in this forum thats how the have been frozen and my personal tip is to stay away from magic its a freezing hotspot Lol (bit of a juxtaposition there)
usually using 1 hr ab on main shop won't earn much maybe around 20k - 50k for noob? ab in igloo is much better!
Yeah... never gained so much xxlypse, I've used the ABer to get the Chocolate avvie too... and I still use it for 1 hour twice or three times per week. Never been frozen since months =) (cross fingers xD)
i make my own lists, they're really specific. high enough profit to make a tidy profit, low enough to not be hot items so i don't get tracked. i don't even consider 20k worth the effort or risk.
i HATE abing on my main. first of all. if you ab in choco you MIGHT not get frozen. but you wont earn very much. i prefer legit, because i can easily score 600k+ a day without cheating. and the point of an aber is to rs difficult stuff like unbuyables and mp's.
We're not so able at legit restocking " (never been able to restock anything worthing...) You have to got a really fast Internet connection, so much time to spend, and too much luck :nope:
it doesent take much luck. mp's restock every 15minutes and i rs in s-foods where i can get about 4 ub's a day and pharmacy frequentally rses medsoaps and cactopus creams. and you can get ALOT more legit from shops like s-foods choco .
abing at chocolate doesn't make much profit esp if its under 4 month, the stuff sells pretty slow too >< i never tried Magic/defense shop yet, but it seems too risky, spooky food is good tho
Maybe luck doesn't count... but actually I was not able to restock anything in the Igloo in 1 hour... :| I'll try a better strategy anyway u__u