Ive been running it all day and ive gotten nothing absoulty nothing and it never makes noise any suggestions anyone else having problems please help
i just reinstalled it and its getting items but i have to sit here and accepet everyitem through a popup window anyone have any suggestons for that
i have no idea why it is doing that 0_o I am running mine now perfectly =/ Try completely deleting it etc and then download it and follow the exact instructions to unzip etc if that doesnt work then mail ricky, he might know
k thank you very much ill try i already did it once today but at least i know others are working so it has to be my comp or progarm
patience doesn't appear to be the problem, which you would know had you read the thread the only advice i can offer is to try reinstalling it, as said above if you are still having problems, you could make a video of what is happening, as i have never heard of this posting in this topic or pming expon would also be beneficial program-discussion-f88/acheteur-ultime-v3-3-t17463.html