At the moment I'm AB'ing for about 3~4 hours. And its working a treat, I've been AB'ing for about 6 months on this main and theres been no sign of icing nor have I gotten any trouble. So in conclusion it is safe... However, what would happen if I start to kick it to 5~7 hours? And would it matter WHERE i AB'd? for example is it safer to AB longer hours at stamp rather than magic?
I'd say don't push your luck. 4 hours is quite a lot, and imo 6-7 hours is too much. And yes, it does matter where you AB Magic has a much higher freeze rate than most shops. For example, if you're in chocolate, you're pretty safe. But there's a lot of people in magic, and the freeze rate is HIGH *-*
I AB for about 3-6 hours a day, in 2-3 hour sessions I AB pharmacy, book, and meridell potion, and haven't been in trouble However, on my last account, just a week after I switched shops (I dropped potion in favour of a rotating third shop), I got iced So shops are very important, and 5-7 would probably be fine, as long as it isn't all at once!
I ab igloo for usually 12 hours or more a day. I was abing 12 hours + a day on 5 accounts and transfered every item bought every day to my main. Took 1 month to ice me . Now I'm being a little safer. 3 account hahahaha. No but really I'm being a lot lot safer now.
I do mine in blocks of 3 hours... and sometimes have done 3 blocks of those 3 hours... Including magic... Just be smart, with realistic times.. And don't do it all the time, or all at once. Switch things up, make it look human like. NO ONE sits there for 6 hours straight... Well, at least I'd hope not.
Ditto! XD Just because you've been safe with your current times... bumping them up to almost double seems like the next step?? Maybe for certain days, like weekends, you can AB for longer, or for an extra session, but I wouldn't make it a consistent thing.
This account was using an 'auto buyer' to buy things from Neopet shops. Lost over 15 mil+ in items and account and over 1,5 mil in bank :O
I apologise, that that seems like a real idiot thing to do, why push it further when you are already winning? XD
I AB on 4 accounts every 2 days for however long until I get rs banned. In 5 months of abing, I haven't received a single ban/warning/suspension etc That said, I don't normally AB "common" shops, but obscure ones which not as many people restock in. I would hazard a guess that the shop you AB in DOES matter.
Bakery is fine because people try to get the avatars. Magic - not so fine, if you AB'ed a Draik/Krawk Potion consider your account iced. I usually restock legitly then AB.