Account Safety Guide

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by icemint, Nov 17, 2006.

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  1. icemint

    icemint Level I

    Nov 17, 2006
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    Account Safety Guide

    This guide will walk you through on how to keep your account safe from hackers/ scammers etc. I'll also try and add some tips on using programs. Anyone feel free to post things I missed and I'll edit them in.


    Never give out your email to people you do not know off of Neopets.

    MSN Users:If someone asks for your MSN Messanger Identity, that's cool if you want to chat. However if your on the MSN browser and your MSN identity is the same email as your Neopets account it is possible for the person to hack you.

    The MSN browser supports password recovery which involves a secret question, if the person your talking to types in your identity and clicks lost password they will then be given your secret question. The person will then ask you, and if you awnser it truthfully they can then get your password thus being able to get into your Neopets account, so make sure you're suspicous of unfamiliar people in conversations.

    TNT Emails: There are many scams with this on Neopets, a person will ask you for your email and then email you from an account like, inside of the email it will usually state that your account is issued for inspection, and they need your password to fully inspect your account. It will then go on to say something like you have 5 days to respond or your account will be frozen. Then it will state that the neopets mail sever is down so they're using hotmail. This is B/S, Neopets will never ask you for your password and will never use a hotmail account to contact you.


    User Accounts: Don't use general words that can be found in a dictionary, make your password hard for even you to remember. Passwords such as "monkey" or "fish" are easily guessed. This is very important if you're popular. An example of a better password is:m0Nk_3Y293_20nNqT

    Email: Make sure the email that is assigned to your Neopets account also has an extremely hard password such as the one above.

    Save It: Make your password so hard that not even you can remember it fully, open up notepad and save your passwords in it and stick it in my documents.

    Cookies: Well no matter how complicated your password is, if you get cookie grabbed you're screwed. So if you're going to an unfamiliar site that you get off the neoboards or through neomail, log out of your account and clear your cookies by going Tools>Internet Options>Clear Cookies. Then go to the website.

    Programs/Pictures: If someone tries to give you a program or a picture over AIM/MSN/Email etc. It's smart to virus scan it because it's very possible that it contains a key logger. If the picture file is over 700Kb, then it's most likely infected.


    Here's some things to help you if you are ever hacked, and how to sucessfully get your account back.

    Backup: Always have a backup account, on a different email then your original. it's smart to occassionally put things in your back up account so you don't end up with having nothing. Maybe periodically switch out your weapons or deposit 100K a month into it like a savings fund.

    Keep Track: Make sure you write down all the info you can about your account periodically, so if you are scammed you can fill you the Neopets forum as accurately and completely as possible.


    There is no garuntee that you wont get iced using programs no matter how much you try and conceal it. There are some things that help however. This section is directed towards an Autobuyer.

    Main: Have one main account that is your actual IP. Never use programs on your main account.

    Sub-Acc(s): Make all your sub accounts using Proxies. Once they are made continue to use only the proxy made with the account on it and never your real Ip.

    Proxies: You can find a proxy by searching Proxy List on google, use the proxy by going to Tools>Internet Options>Connections>LAN Settings and inputting it.

    Cookies: Clear your cookies everytime you log into a a new account.


    Don't allow Neopets to link your accounts together. Do this by not making them your neofriends, using the same IP address on them, and using the same email.

    Transferring Items: Dont just give the items to your Main acocunt. Switch it up and use trades etc.

    -Putting It Together-

    1.Log out of your Main Account.
    2.Clear Cookies
    3.Turn On Proxy
    4.Open Your Browser
    5.Go to Neopets and login to your side
    6.Open the AB
    7.Start it
    8.Let it Run
    9.Close AB
    10.Transfer Your Items
    11.Log out
    12.Close Browser
    13.Clear Cookies
    14.Turn off proxy
    15.Open Browser
    16. Go to Neopets
    17. Login To Main

    If anyone else has suggestions I'll be more than happy to edit them in and give you credit. I hope this helped ^_~
  2. boomm

    boomm Level IV

    Nov 1, 2006
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    Great Guide :) Very Helpful.
  3. Chocolatsy

    Chocolatsy Level I

    Nov 17, 2006
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    Thank you for the guide! I'll never use programs on my main account again, it's to risky as you said! Hey, do you know how many add accounts can we have on Neopets?
  4. icemint

    icemint Level I

    Nov 17, 2006
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    Well, you can have 4 side accounts, only for pets & galleries. And... you can't play, win trophys or something about on your side account :/ so bored, isn't it?
  5. Jane

    Jane Level IV

    Nov 19, 2006
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    Pwning the world one step at a time
    Wow! Thanks for the guide. I can count on my account being safe now. :)
  6. jiggerchy23

    jiggerchy23 Newbie

    Nov 3, 2006
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    Wow ok thanks
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