Many people are unclear about the rules of the neopian pound so I thought i'd make a board to clear things up The following species CANNOT be adopted by under four month accounts: * Chomby * Cybunny * Draik * Hissi * Jetsam * Kiko * Koi * Krawk * Poogle * Tonu Lutaris are unable to be pounded, so obviously they cannot be adopted And the following colours CAN BE adopted for under four months accounts: * Checkered * Blue * Brown * Glowing * Green * Invisible * Orange * Pink * Purple * Red * Shadow * Silver * Skunk * Speckled * Split * White * Yellow ALL other colours are FOUR month + Compatible ONLY No neopet, regardless of color or species, can be adopted by an account under four months if it's level is higher than 2. Only pets with levels 1 and 2 can be adopted by these accounts. Pets with level 3 and above cannot. Hope I've Helped.
I already have the list posted in the newbies help board as I made one already located here.... And also, you use should the site search before making a topic that already exists, especially one that is almost exactly as the one that was already made.