Advice please?

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Anfan, Oct 9, 2009.

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  1. Anfan

    Anfan Level IV

    Feb 12, 2009
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    Two words: Early graduation.

    As things stand with my credits, I can graduate at the end of junior year having fulfilled all my credit requirements and then some; I'll have enough units in each course area (math, english, .5 gov 1 us 1 world, 4 years foreign language, etc.) In my district you need 24 credits in order to graduate; at the end of my junior year I'd have 27.

    As things stand I'm going to stagger my classes for next year so that I could graduate, but I could also stay for senior year without suffering any losses. (E.g. an extra year b/w honors and AP bio or something of that sort.)

    So. Knowing that my course load should be just about as practical next year either way (maybe slightly tougher, since I'll be doing an extra English course instead of orchestra), what's your opinion on early graduation?

    My birthday's in February. I'll be 17 at the end of junior year; I don't know if I can live in campus dorms by then or not. And yes, people say stick around for senior year to have fun with friends, blah blah blah (and to take AP Psychology! :D), but quite frankly I think I'd rather trade that for getting away from my parents sooner. (And yes, I recognize that's from the perspective of a 15 year old who's extremely frustrated with parents, but still. Lightning's thread here covers it, with slightly different circumstances.)

    What I should probably do is use the motivation that I can graduate early if I so choose to get through the rest of this year and junior year, and then after that make myself stick around for senior, but bleh...hmm, maybe I just wanted to rant for a bit. Ah, well, for now, since I don't hate my parents enough to screw my own life over just to irk them (which probably wouldn't work anyways, since my dad supposedly decided to give up on me last year, thanks so much), I'm going to re-do my biology homework...
  2. kian_min

    kian_min Level I

    Oct 5, 2009
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    I am not American so not really sure about what the US education is about. But I would say early graduation because you can finish your studies earlier. Will it make a difference in terms of studies? If i were you i would have followed the majority so that i can go to the same college as my friends
  3. j22music

    j22music Newbie

    Jan 18, 2010
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    Early graduation. It would have been great to have done that to get away from my parents earlier, but I realize that it really isn't so practical. The only kids I know who actually graduated early are musicians who decided that they either wanted to go to conservatory early or decided to take a year off to practice for college auditions. In your case, you just want to get away from your parents. It is a legit reason, but not the most practical. With all your honors and AP classes I think that you might want to pursue some sort of academic field. Thus, another year in high school would not only prove beneficial to preparing you to college but also save money and time in college. You'll have to take fewer classes in college and have more time to spend with friends there. Also, having just gone through the college application process, I think that colleges want to see that you took more classes and are more prepared to enter their campus than to someone who just wants to get away from their parents.

    Also, I think that you could live on campus but you''ll have a curfew until you are 18, which would suck :p

    So basically, enjoy high school...or try to at least :D

    Hopefully this helped...
  4. Lily

    Lily Level I

    Aug 22, 2009
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    I think you should stick around for another year. If you can take Dual Enrollment (college credit) classes where you are, do that--it saves money and you'd be getting part of your college over with early. Believe me, I know what it's like wanting to get away from your parents, but you may regret graduating early because of that later on. You'll be on your own soon enough.
  5. lazypando

    lazypando Level IV

    Nov 16, 2006
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    I'd say plan to graduate early and apply to colleges. If you don't get in where you want, you can always try a second year. :)
  6. GrapeFruit

    GrapeFruit Level IV

    Dec 12, 2006
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    The Beach
    It really needs to be something you want, really want. Personally I had to graduate early for some family reasons but looking back it wasn't really a bad choice as I didn't miss out on much. I do somewhat regret not having an extra year of leisure with my friends but if it's something you can get over it's not a big deal. Ultimately it's just going to some down to how you feel about it.
  7. lolcow

    lolcow Level III

    Jul 28, 2008
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    senior year = senioritis = funfunfun

    Don't pass up a year of high school for college. It'll just lead to more stress, etc. Unless, that is, you're already planning on a career that needs 10+ years of work to even get close to starting. Hello anesthesiologist ;_;
  8. PrincessLuna

    PrincessLuna Level III

    Aug 11, 2009
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    I say stay as well.
    Unless you want to get away from your classmates as well...
    Senior year is really the best, at least in my school.
    Easy classes, fun activities, and the class trip! Woot Woot Chicago, here we come!
  9. Anfan

    Anfan Level IV

    Feb 12, 2009
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    Er, did no one notice the massive gravedig? This topic is from OCTOBER.

    j22music, I recommend you read Lightning's intro to Neofriends guide. Posting in a topic no one has posted in for over a week is considered "gravedigging", which is against the rules.

    And, anyways, as far as this goes I know what my schedule's going to be. I'm not going to graduate early; I'll just be taking straight AP/honors/dual enrollment for the next 2 years. I've already done plenty of research on the topic myself; most schools don't want you graduating early unless it's because you have no other options. I live in a college town with nice high schools; I have plenty of classes to take. My schedule for the next few years -

    # Accelerated C++ Programming
    # AP World Studies
    # Honors English
    # French 3
    # Honors Biology
    # Honors Precalculus
    # Sophomore Advisory[/td]
    # Orchestra
    # AP US History
    # AP English Language/Composition
    # French 4/5
    # AP Biology
    # Honors Chemistry
    # AP Calculus BC
    # AP Computer Science[/td]
    # AP Chemistry
    # AP Psychology
    # AP English Literature/Composition
    # AP French
    # Calculus 3 Dual Enrollment
    # Differential Equations Dual Enrollment
    # AP Statistics
    # AP European History[/td][/tr][/table]

    Now, would a mod kindly just lock this topic already? :|
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