After 12 years of school

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by DeNo, Dec 17, 2008.

  1. DeNo

    DeNo Level III

    May 4, 2008
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    Sorry, this is another one of my blog-esque post guys. Just bear with it sinec Im not sure if my suggestion of a blog section will ever be approved - or read?

    Anyway, post school and gotten the marks of the final exmainations back, whilst waiting for the final summary score tomorrow (The UAI) I have to kinda crystallise my thoughts and world view.

    For many, after finishing highschool it was like a MASSIVE weight had rolled of their shoulders. Responsibilities, early mornings, punishments, expectations were dropped and they were simply free. Many of my friends went overseas, schools (a place where they go nuts up the coast) and other things..

    However I kinda saw it differently, maybe its that I see reality.. or maybe I'm the one out of their reality but this time of transition has been ambivalent (good and bad). If anything, unlike many of the kids that I went to shcool with that were probaly as regarded as upper class i was probaly lower-mid, I saw life as a lot more as a one dimensional experience. I saw undercurrents of possibility, responsibility and expectations that many did not.

    And instead of being freed from school, it was rather.. graduating from the sandbox/training zone/noobville call it wat you will, into The World. My friends probaly saw the world as a place of easy possibility, rich luck, alcohol and one never ending party. But I know the world isnt going to slap me on the back for congratulations after a hard days work, or pick me up when all guns are pointing down at you. The world isnt kind, it isnt mean, it just is.

    So Its abit hard to explain how I feel.. Its just Ive finally been allowed into the level 1 chat, where everything begins. But I can say I've hit the ground running, a week after shcool ended I started trying to get a job and skipped the whole celebrations, been reading life-advice book and improving social/sales skills etc.

    Anyway, what I'm trying to say is,
    World, watch out. You're going to be my b**ch some day.
  2. Stop

    Stop Level IV

    Dec 17, 2008
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    Yeah school is no fun but seriously necessary for life, wish there would be a way to go to just a trade school all together XD would have saved me a lot of time
  3. 689593

    689593 Level II

    Dec 9, 2008
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    I hate school and if I could work for you how much do i get payed???? lol
  4. waatp42

    waatp42 Level I

    Dec 10, 2008
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    Being an "older" person now I realise how much time I wasted at school goofing off instead of getting on with it. Sometimes wish I could go back and do better but as this is real life you only get to go round once :yup: