I just spent 55 minutes writing an amazing guide to weekend abing and it somehow got deleted. I need to release some air before i explode. EDITTTTT---Ooooooooo FEEEEEWWWWWWWW!!!! Its so long it took a few minutes to appear... All is good. Guide is up. heres a link viewtopic.php?f=22&t=16695
that would probably be the best thing to do, go AB or something for a awhile. what did it go like anyway?
Well, now you learned a lesson, when ever you finish a guide, save it in a text document and save it.
Good to hear that you haven't lost it completely. ^___^ I read the guide just now, I think it's really good. ;D
Thanks!, Yea Its been recovered, So far it hasnt been going exactly too well for me this weekend.. My computer froze, but the aber kept going.. So i got RS banned... Ive only made about 900-1mil so far and will end up pressed for time to get the items transferred and my shell terminated by 10am monday.. Itll stink to have to kill the shell after only getting about a 500k profit from it.. but hey.. its business.