Yeah >.> Enough of that. Anyway, I'm Ako, just started up NP again, and figured I'd find some outside communtiy to join. I used to be part of Gamerzplanet when they still had a neopets section, and was an active member of those boards. So.. Here I am EDIT: Forgot to mention that I'm a semi-advanced programmer, and may be able to write some new ones not too long after I learn what Neo uses
Welcome to neofriends. Be sure to read the rules and such before you begin posting. Also, I'm sure your programming skills will really come in handy here.
Awesome, I used to be a part of GzP too, long time ago though. Programmers are always welcome. And if its any incentive, making programs can earn you a lot of forum cash
Hey man welcome to the forums. Hope to see some of your work up here soon. New programs are always great. :yup: Besides, I need something new to save up for after the AU.
Ya I've been looking for a neopets section for a while in different forums too! Now I found this forum! Welcome!