So yeah, I found this new artist named alan and she's seriously good in my opinion. She's Chinese of Tibetan descent, currently singing for a Japanese music label. Pretty awesome eh? Her music has a lot of variety (all of which I find amazing ) Here are some of her songs on YouTube... I can't understand the Japanese ones, but they're still amazing nevertheless. Chinese songs Japanese songs Comments?
How come there is no option for not understanding any of the music? Lulz. Although the Japanese ones are a bit more fun to listen to. è°·
Dx Some of the Japanese music, I can hear the Mandarin accent coming through, and that to me ruins the flow a bit Dx. The music itself is amazing but nothing superbly memorable that sticks in the memory, don't get me wrong it's excellent music to listen to just not one of those artists I'd listen to one song forever with. The Mandarin versions are superb and reminds me of my childhood days watching azn soap opera's lol <3, so I guess it reminds me of older stuff (except it doesn't have the super high whiny thing that older artists have).