Hi, just joined. Found it on GOOGLE!! Seems like a great site already, lots of info and a great friendly enviorment. Cant wait to get to know you all. Thanks, katarzina
Hi Katarzina Can I call you Kat for short? I found this site on um... On... Uh... Um... Yeah I just don't remember. This is indeed a friendly environment. Sorry I'm a bit of a picky speller. Check the guides section for pretty much everything you could possibly know about neopets. If you have an idea for a guide, no one will flame you for posting one Also, you get cash and sometimes Reputation points for making guides, so it's always a good idea. You can call me Fexxel Nice to meat you Katarzina! --- Welcome to neofriends! Be sure to check out the Rules and Ranks, How the Reputation works and browse around the rest of the Rules and Information board!!!! My name is Fexxel, or FX, and I hope you enjoy your stay! By the way, please do NOT spam or 1 liner, for if you do I (and I'm sure many other members) would -rep you. Thank you Thanks for reading, welcome to NF FX PS: As a tip, BE SURE YOU WANT A PROGRAM BEFORE PURCHASING IT (lol)!
Welcome hope you have fun. just remember to read the rules Fexxel just posted links to. Seeya around the forum.
Great, thanks for the tips, guides and suggestions... and spelling correction. I always spell that word wrong for some reason. Thanks for the welcomes, I feel at home already, lol ETA: Yes you can call me Kat
No problem Kat If you have any problems, just PM (there is a "PM" option under everyones post) me or a Moderator. They are the rulers of the forum ^^.