How the scoring system works "Your contribution to your team's standings depends upon how well you play Yooyuball, with the calculation being based on the goal deficit for each game you play. If, for example, you send a winning score of 4 - 2, you will contribute 2 Yooyuball points to your team's daily score. If you send a winning score of 8 - 0, you will contribute 8 Yooyuball points to your team's daily score. Draws and losing scores are counted as zero Yooyuball points, so you definitely want to try to win." *TNT* Altador Cup Main Page GUIDES --> great video that shows you how to score with each ball The best guide i found was on (includes all 3 games) Yooyuball Guide Yooyuball Guide Here are some things said in Editorial section of the Times
no he is right. they are doing it differently this year. your teams score is by goals scored not by wins. i guess they had too many people scoring one goal and then running to the corner.
Is there any effect that the number of goals conceded may have this year also? will it affect the reqards at the end of the competition