News just changed... From what this thing says it starts 6/12/08 Video: ... soon.phtml Who are you joining? Im going KI
Nice, I might start taking requests on Krawk island lookups this week. I hope we win so we get pirate pbs ^_^
haha, i might go krawk island then, ddepends who eveerone using the cheat programs are going for. i think its going to be KI this year though.
Im pretty sure its a month and a half long. Darigan won last year and they gave out Darigan pbs. So hopefully if KI Wins we will get pirate pbs. If im making premade lookups ill make a request topic, it depends how busy im going to be within the next week.
why dont we each create 2Sides? One for darigan, krawk island and the other top competitor, ummm Meridell, i dont know! xP
haha i like how the song playing is "we will rock you" with one beat added in so they don't have to pay any royalties. smooth. i don't know who i'll join. i don't even really know the names of the worlds. maybe i'll join darigan.
i love the a cup 2 i bought alot of acup things like hands hats and things like that and now prices will skyrocket