Only four more days left in the AC. Just reminding people to get some last games of YYB in before the cup ends, if you're aiming for a certain rank or a nice shiny avatar now is the time to get it. all you have to do to get the avatar is reach Rank 1 player. thats 50 YYB wins, 600 Make Some Noise games, 100 Slushie Slinger games, or 600 Shootout Showdown games. Good luck
ugggg D:< i hate that avatar I've played like 500 games of make some noise already and I'm about to shoot myself. >___<;;
I waited the whole cup for a score sender to come out... guess I'll never get one xD (Josh's wouldn't work for me). History dictates that as far as time spent / neopoints earned goes, legit (!!) restocking is a better use of time than playing YYB, so I haven't played much.
Lol, too lazy to get the avvie. Not worth it IMO since I'm not exactly going to become a real ACer anyways.
So, I know I've asked this in the chatbox, but I thought I'd post my question here as well: Since the finals have yet to be determined, will playing the games against the "Practice Squad" go towards my Rank, or not? EDIT: doesn' can't send score
Bother. I still have like, 6 games of YYB to play to get that avatar. Anyways, how do the ranks correspond to trophies from the AC?
The ranks don't have influence on your trophies. It depends on which team you choose. The 1st, 2nd and 3rd team get a special trophy, the other teams should get a runner-up one. Also, nice thing: each year they show the top 5 that got the most YYB wins.. I'm curious how many they got this year :arf:
Ohhh, ok, that's what I thought, but then the above posts confused me... Lol. Considering if you browse the Altador Cup board, there are groups of people who've pledged 2000+ YYB wins a day...that WILL be interesting.
They're talking about the prize shop that will be available after the AC. Each prize will cost an amount of points. You can gain points in the AC by playing a lot of games. For example, someone from rank 1 will probably only be able to buy some keyrings while the All-Star people can buy the top prizes (more expensive) since they have accumulated more points by their amount of games played.
Lol, I'm level 20. Score-sended all the way. Wondering how much I'll make from the prizes in the shop
I didn't SS at all...I self-froze my account yesterday, though, so even if Krawk Island wins the cup I won't be able to get the trophy. =(
I won 50 games of YYB. I was thinking of getting a few ranks up. But since I play legit, I decided to never play that game again after I got the avatar. D: