What Level have you made it to so far in the altador cup games and are you paying legit? Me I have reached level 9 and legit and sooo sick of it now -__-
I'm a beginner... and not even purely legit, used a YYB trainer for about half my games... couldn't get any of the score senders to work though.
giggles hope both of you arn't on KI then more you play more you help your team but I cant talk much im just playing for the crappy prizes XD
I'm still ranked beginner, courtesy of my extreme laziness in pertinence to the Altador Cup. (I quit around when the first Altador Cup had just come out.) I must at least get that avatar!
Don't feel bad. I've played ~15 games of YYB (a lot more of Shootout Showdown, but those are worth so little...;-, and the YYB games haven't even been legit.
Still "Beginner" Just joined yesterday. I've never participated in an Altador Cup before...Overall participation in all 4 games goes towards your rank?
"Level 12?! Holy... How many games did you play? I'm level 4." Too much...now i cant even play a single game more!!! Thought i would reach all-star for sure...seriously not going to happen!!! Goals Scored 11,039 Goals by "Dasher" Soley 6,986 Goals by Ealyn Hawkshanks 3,595 Goals by Nitri Cassale 254 Goals by Zayle Sufhaux 204 Saves by Garven Hale 45 Number of Wins 879
D: Over 12 goals per game!? Geez...ur good...I completely suck at YYB...maybe 4 or 5 goals if I'm good that game
YYB is the fastest way as someone here told me SPACEBAR, after a goal hit space bar a few times it do save time on the overall game and the faster you get goals and hit spacebar the least amount of time it takes.... level 12 FFS I hate you unless your with KI then im with you lol but havent reached level 12 yet you must play close to 24/7 that or know another trick we dont?
I finally reached level 6 legit. I find it gets harder to motivate myself to play as the tournament goes on. I'm kinda sick of yyb now =/