Is anyone participating in the Altador Cup? I've found the easiest/quickest way for myself to gain points to rank up, and hopefully points towards the prize shop. Just use Josh's Shootout Showdown Score Sender! downloads.php?d=219 (Free!) Settings to Use: Time between games (ms): 2000 Time to wait for scoring (ms): Min: 7000; Max: 8000 Score to send: Min: 1200; Max: 1200 Using these settings, the program will send 360-400 scores an hour. This equals 30-34 points an hour, but you can only send 1201 scores for this game each day. This is as far as I can tell, unfreezable. Do it for 3 hours or until you reach 1201 scores sent. Since a lot of people are playing games like madmen to try and get top rank I doubt they'll pay much attention. Using this method you can get a hundred points towards rank/prize shop (hopefully) a day. This is better than playing YooYuBall which averages 20-25 points an hour, or MSN which makes AT MOST 10 points an hour. If you want you can use the MSN SS with the following settings after you have sent 1201 SOSD Scores: Settings to Use: Time between games (ms): 2000 Time to wait for scoring (ms): Min: 30000; Max: 31000 Score to send: Min: 9000; Max: 9999 Hope this helps some people out in the Altador Cup! ^_^
Of note: I don't think that program awards neopoints for the first few games. Which means there could be some out of date coding in there. In which case you SHOULD take caution using this as it may not be as safe as first stated. If it actually HAS been updated and I just overlooked the neopoints going up, I apologize, ignore me. I'll get back in my box.
And to add you can use slaughters sser to send altador cup scores.. No need to buy a separate program if you have slaughters.. You cannot send scores for yyb..but other three games work!!
I think I may start using slaughterer's just in case. I've been doing this for 3 days now though, playing the max amount and not been frozen, so I'm not sure. Also -- I had an idea. 500 MSN games with 6000+ score gives you the Techo Trumpet thing worth 300k+ (Probably more after Altador Cup is over?). Does it seem like an alright idea to make a lot of new accounts. Run like 10 SSers at a time to get 500+ on each one, transfer the item out to a shell account, and self freeze the ones used to play the game?
I don't think its worth it, but I do get 5k a day through yyb. I think the top prize is a cloud pb which is like 70k. Though its going to take more than 50 hours of play time to get it.
The SOSD program is the only one I use. Especially since I'm with LD, and that's our worst game, it helps. Not enough though I should just use slaughters though, but I have been using Josh's SOSD one. It just stops working randomly after a wihle though.
Altador cup's prizes are always lame if I'm not mistaken? Has there ever been a really good, expensive prize? This year the best thing out of it is the Megaphone from 500 games of 6500+ in MSN. It's worth around 400k right now, last time I checked. But it could easily get higher once the cup fever subsides.
So what your saying is the freeze rates for these programs are very low..? EDIT: I can't download it, it keeps saying "select an attachment to download"...