I'm pretty sure that it's not allowed, but who want's to do it? Anyone know the freeze rate from doing this? If there is one?
I don't see why TNT would bother to freeze you unless you openly negotiate on the boards or using neomail. But this really doesn't seem to be a good way to make NP, because who is going to want to play such a repetitive game?
Most people on this board probably don't play Key Quest, but perhaps you can choose to only play two-person games. That way you will get at least a silver key (if the other person doesn't bail on you).
Definetly a long hard process. Obviously its VERY minute freeze rate. The only way you'd get frozen for it would be if you were open and admitted to game rigging in which case it would be classed as being an unfair advantage to the poor soul in the game who is playing legit. My Advice > If you wanna do it.. Use two browsers and two accounts which could very well look like two siblings. Would simply look like you're both playing each other and there would be no way of disproving that. Heck, two computers if you've got the access.. IF not, firefox and chrome or internet explorer would work fine as cookies are saved in different places and you can login to multiple accounts. BE WARNED, if same computer/same network, good chance you'll have SAME IP. Which MAY get you frozen. Hence why I suggested two accounts that look like siblings... As that's somewhat beleiveable.