I saw a post saying that tomorrow is lutari day, i love lutaris *-* so, someone should make a program that can create pets, and keep refreshing until lutaris are availible o.o and auto make them o-o, i think is possible, and useful on limited edition pets day
I might stay up till 2 just to create one but I don't think there's enough time for a program to be written and uploaded before tomorrow...but that'd be a great idea for future times
Yes, it was I who made the error . I'm sorry guys. On a plus side, this gives us more of a chance to create a program, eh?
umm yup, we have time before the lutari day o.o anyway i dont know how to program VB... o.o someone should make one, very useful, for poogle day too, or koi day, etc
this could be made in vb6 or scar. VB6 would be faster and easier changeable. I'll try to make one later this month