okay peeps I now have a darigan shoyru. Im not excatly in touch with neopets these days, i just push the auto-buyer and rack off.. Should I just keep lab zapping it, or is this colour quite precious? How much would it be worth exactly on the blackmarket etc?
Maybe this'll help you. the-blackmarket-f21/is-there-a-pet-price-list-floating-around-somewhere-t25397.html
Mmm cheers.. But tbh if, "Painted? +10-100k depending on the PB" its only going to be worth an extra 100k, thats pretty pointless. Ill see what other people say, its about level 15, 22hp nothing really that notable really
I think you'd just have to add about 1 mil for it being painted, like the 80-90% of the price of the PB.
Lol, don't take my word for it, I'm in no way an expert on that stuff. But that just sounds logical to me.
Congratulations that's a great colour change. Shoyrus are the most popular created Neopets (I think) so you should not have trouble finding someone to buy him Good luck! I have not had a colour change for weeks.