Hey all, Ravendeth here. I came because I heard about the black market and programs, but I do hope to make some friends while I'm here, too, that would be awesome. I've never been very rich on Neopets, but I want that to change. Thanks everyone! ^_^
Welcome to Neofriends! I hope you make heaps of friends!The whole community is friendly! Remeber to read the rules and ranks here and you'll fit in just fine! :yup: announcements-rules-and-information-f73/site-rules-and-ranks-t11757.html
Welcome, Ravendeth to Neofriends.net. Please read the following topics before you start having an awesome time here so you won't get into trouble for breaking the rules : • Site Rules and Ranks • How to rack up POSTS and CASH responsibly! • How the Reputation System works • Forum Cash and Downloads System • Automated Donation System (for forum cash points) • Daily Giveaway System Have fun!!