Hey everyone, I'm unfamiliar with proxies, so I'd like a bit of help. When you set up a proxy connection for Internet explorer or firefox, isn't it just setting up that connection for the browser? Meaning that you're still ABing using your regular IP? Or is the Aber attached to a particular browser, and runs through it, and therefore uses its proxy. Thanks, I'd like to start abing at home once I've got enough points, because abing at school limits me to only a couple hours a day.
Wow thats a really good question. I will do some research on this and try to find out if the proxy is limited to your browser, but i think you'll have to get a response from the programmers for this one.
Thanks =D People are all like "Use a proxy connection", but does that actually change the IP that the AB is run on? Unless there's a way you could configure your entire computer to be on proxy.
do we have a sticky for proxy's? just curious, it seems like a good idea and there are a lot of post for them which is understandable
Someone 'in the know' should make one and sticky it. It's an integral part of autobuying, which is, of course, an intergral part of this site.
I think it depends on the proxy connection. If it's the type (anonymous?) proxy, it hides your real ip address, and usually convinces the server that your proxy ip is your REAL ip. Concerning on which ip abers work from, my guess would be the proxy one. If it were running off your real ip address, your proxy isn't really doing it's job is it? It IS suppose to mask your ip, and servers and their admins shouldn't be able to track programs like abers by the ip they're running off. I'm sorry, I'm new around here; did any of that make sense? :?