Does anyone have an Score Sender Lists that make like 100k? My SS is in seconds. I think it is from slopdog though, Ive had it since the Site closed down but never used it
A ScoreSender (Theres Two in the downloads) Sends the score of selected games and gets you the nps. Ex: if you wanna play Meerca Chase youd do something like: GameID:500 Score:123 WaitTime:40sec
do you have a link or something? I really tried looking for it in the downloads section, couldn't find it D:
is the score sender here still working ??? I heard a while back that TNT changed the coding and I'm waiting since then to use the program... Anybody got a definitive answer ??
Rickys isnt working, honestly idk if any are working right now, i tried a different one, it says the score was sent, but i never received a point
Since the ones here apparently aren't working, do you know any sites where I can actually get a legit one? I tried to download a couple but one had a virus and one wouldn't run.
I know of a site with one but I can't say anything about it here. It's pretty good I've used it on and off for a few weeks and I occasionally get frozen, but that's probably cuz TNT can tell someone who plays 150+ games over 6 hours is cheating.