Autobuyers arn't safer, not matter what the developer may say. There are however, some better than others. The AB's on this site are quite in my opinion, but DO NOT use them on your main account - you're just asking for trouble then. Make a side account and try out the autobuyer.
Yeah that's true... What if say you use a proxy and change all your details in boths accounts so they don't have any relationship with each other? Dunno, just a idea... being frozen isn't good.
The OP is referring to a Greasemonkey ABer. As for this site, ricky92 sells one, and I hear it's reliable. I have a very similar bought from someone on a different site and it works great and I haven't been frozen for it.
I'm using ricky's atm and it works fine not been iced yet, give him a mail and look out for him in the chatbox when he's online. Very very much worth it!
The only reasonably 'safe' ABer would be something to do with GM. As TOTG said, there isn't really 'safe + ABer = possible' -- it really is HOW you AB, not WHICH ABer.
But you just put them in the same sentence! But yeah. Autobuyers aren't safe. HAHAHA as I was typing that, I just got iced. You don't ab if you care about your account. Period.
Greasemonkey ABers are generally safer than programs such as AU, PZFX, Ownage AB etc. They have high buy times and thus result in lower chances of icing.
thats because its in your browser so tnt cant detect it easily but if you abuse it then gj getting to iceland