I know theres already a question about this but are there ANY programs that work on mac? thanks a bunch your help is much appreciated.
You can probably get most programs to work if you set up a windows emulator on your computer. (such as parallels or boot camp)
Is there any particular reason why there are no Score Senders that are Mac compat.? Is it just that no one's made one, or is there something about the set up of a Mac?
Well as a whole there aren't many Mac programs available because not many people code them in general.
Yea, all my recent programs were coded on a mac, and made ready for all platforms: downloads.php?d=201 (Java) downloads.php?d=222 (Java) downloads.php?d=278 (Java) downloads.php?d=284 (GreaseMonkey) Also, any program written by Zer0 are mac compadable No, Someone did make a sser in java a while back, i forget who or where, but not on this forum. Most people program in vb.net or C#, which are windows only languages. Zer0 and me both program in java, so our programs will work with Macs. There's just not many people that know java that also know how to make a sser with it.