I've decided to get back into neo a little after my 4 month break and test out my programming skills. Any programs you guys might want?? Also I plan on fixing up my User Shop ABer so that it doesnt crash anymore after a couple hours. Only programs I do not make are Main Shop ABers because I do not know how to get the OCX right, and I am currently too lazy to research that now, just wanna make a few programs to get back into it. Lemme know any suggestions.
If Im not mistaken, there is a forum for this? program-ideas-f5/. You could make anyone of those idea's. :3
I'd be happy with a really simple NQ1+2 (Yes, both in one!) player. Makes it walk around in a little circle battling as it sees fit, healing when it's low health, blah blah. The last ten levels are so durn boring to get done manually.