just as an act of good faith, you can part with $400 i mean who really needs worldly possessions anyway?
Give me your bank account username and numerical password, and I'll log in and deposit $400 and a nice shiny car!!!!!! PS, this REALLY WORKS!
YOU CAN GET YOUR GIRLFRIEND BACK! Step 1. think of her in the full moon Step 2. go on the streets and bark like a cow Step 3. take your best phone and ipod and throw it to the bin Step 4. Steal 3 pairs of underwears from your neighbours then wear then on your head and run in circles like a muffin Step 5. Do a backflip and break your neck And the final step, tell your sister/friends to copy this myth in 10 other more topics and your girlfriend is gonna come back to you. WITH A CROWBAR TO SMACK YO FACE. GUARANTEED TO WORK.
Wtf? $400? Such a small amount. I'll give you $40,000. Paypal info please? Spoiler When I win the lottery :maha: