As in time and the (max) score you put to get the trophies for certain games? I remember on the slopdog forums before it closed down, there was this SS list compiled and it was AMAZING. This guy had refined a list of every game on neopets over 4 years, finding the freeze limits of score and time on every game. So you would know the exact minimum time possible to put it through and the maximum score before getting iced.. I got like 3-5 trophies a night without freezes. I had about 30 trophies before i got owned for ABing B) But those days are gone.. Anyway, anyone have one? If not, I may be interested in developing one..
Might trying PMing Dark. Dark seems to be the master at getting trophies. I like the concept of this though so good luck
I have over 50 games on mine no review and no false scores Ive used it many times an never got iced on one account yet how ever Im nice but im not that nice as to give away something like that as it then becomes pointless as only top 15 scores get a troph... Ive put ALLOT of hours into this list and ALLOT of accounts and proxies were wasted in making it.. i have review score and time for every single game that can be ss... and unless i get something that blows me away it stays with me...