ABing is rather difficult this week. Resfreshing may take up to 5 seconds sometimes so I'm missing alot of RS and the buy times are horrible. Both with AU and my attic buyer. Am I the only one ? Maybe it's my connection that is not working properly.
It's neopets undoubtedly. The site was crashing alot last night. lol My SS log was crazy. I had like 40 errors. lol!!!
of course you havent obi, you dont have the ABer. Don't spam But Tharoux, I have had the opposite problems, I was getting items from main shops with buy times of like .2 :/
How was that spam? You don't have to have an ABer to notice that neo is slow. Oh and he could easily have an ABer.
Tharoux was specifically talking about AU and he doesnt have that. And it is spam answering in 4 words like that. And the ABer speed doesnt necessarily depend on neo speed. Therefore he was spamming.
The topic said "speed issue with neopets.com" not "speed issue with AU". How does the ABer speed not depend on the neo speed? If the neo servers are slow, the aber will be slow. My bad
Reeeeeeoooow! I've noticed my times increased slightly > By about .5 - 1 second second. (which for my already slow speeds, is alot )
It lags off and on. They need to create a "save the servers" event so their site would stop being so damn laggy. -.-
Just a note of caution to all those AB'ing out there - TNT is on a freezing spree today it seems - I have been hearing tons of chatter on numerous sites/boards about icing's up the ying yang...so maybe best to lay low for a bit? I know I will!
They have been. But only on a freezing spree for "protecting the owners account" because of the cging...
Actually today I have heard people getting frozen specifically for AB'ing or buying/selling pets and/or NPs...I think this is a little bit more than TNT trying to protect any one from CG'ers