Anyone play the Stock Market?

Discussion in 'Neopets Chit-Chat' started by Icegoten, May 5, 2010.

  1. Icegoten

    Icegoten Level III

    Aug 14, 2008
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    In Economics we have been learning about stocks and our teacher is playing this game with the class. We all grouped up and made accounts to buy and sell stocks and see who would have the most at the end. Well my partner and I are the only one's actually buying anything >.>...and we are losing tons of money.

    A quick review about the game:

    You start with 100,000 dollars. Then you can use that to buy and sell stocks. Just go to Yahoo Finance or something to find different companies symbols to invest in.

    I thought it was pretty cool so you could buy pretend stocks and see how you would do if you really did have 100,000 dollars!
  2. Junior

    Junior Administrator
    Staff Member

    Nov 8, 2009
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    I come from a land down under! (Maaaate!)
    I did that at highschool too!!

    Haha.. I was one of the few persons who actually came out on top. We started with 50,000 and I ended up with around the 56,000 Mark.

    It was a hard time when I did it, the whole market went down so, I got lucky if you ask me. I won out of the school though! Scored myself $100 Cash :D (which was a lot back then.. for doing next to nothing!)

    TBH, I was expecting the Neopian Stockmarket. I play that too... But that's completely different in ways of inflation/deflation. A TON easier to profit on.

    You say you've been losing money.. And you're the only one buying. Stop buying. Keep what you have. Start researching. A good basis for buying is researching the stock.. Think about it, is it something that has had a good history.. whats does it average around, is it there now or is it below average.. how long has it been there.. has it had things like this in its apst then shot back up? Thinking about all those sorts of things, and researching them will definitely help you buy some good stocks!

    It is alot of work... But if you get the hang of it.. with $1000 real money you can start off in the real stock market and end up making yourself some good $$.. And what better way to start than a game where you have more to lose ;)
  3. Icegoten

    Icegoten Level III

    Aug 14, 2008
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    Yea my mistake was made when I thought you could sell stocks the same day you brought them. I brought Amazon at 146 because I saw it was going up from the previous hours! So I brought 500 and I checked back 1 hour later and it was up to 158! Logged on to sell only to be told that the site doesn't allow you to trade stocks the same day you brought them.

    The next day is when everything started going down. No one else in the class is even playing which sucks because we are already losing and they are probably going to buy 1 stock and win the game with a .14 cent profit >.>

    But I have been hoping to learn from this and one day buy in the real stock market probably using e-trade because I heard that doesn't require stockbrokers. I can count all of my profits as something I can buy. Each $10 profit could count towards 3 Yu-Gi-Oh booster packs which would be investing in another thing, but I can also enjoy and play the game itself while I collect more cards.
  4. fearalucard

    fearalucard Level II

    May 2, 2010
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    Ah yes did this back in High School.

    For the people in Australia: we used the its the real stock exchange. you can sign up i think as a school or single user just to play a game and get a set of fake money to play with.

    Just looking at the site.
    oh wow they have prize money now that so cool :O ... /index.htm

    check it out if you want to have a play.
  5. tarzan993

    tarzan993 Level I

    Jun 4, 2010
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    I did that once too! I played the stocks but I lost like 90% of my fake money in 3 months. It's alot harder then you would think it is. I think It's better to research the company instead of buying for just quick profit, because you'll get burned fast! XD
  6. AcidSpiral

    AcidSpiral Level I

    May 31, 2010
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    My friend's grandpa started getting deep in the stock market, and made like $500k in a year or some crap like that. :| Now all he does it sit on his bum all day watching stocks.
  7. rmiles87

    rmiles87 Level II

    Jun 3, 2010
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    I did this in an intro college business class a few years back.
    This was when google was going up like crazy so i invested everthing into it.
    Was super fun.
  8. Tally

    Tally Level III

    Jul 21, 2009
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    lol, I did the same thing with 500k. But we had a very short time period to play around with that capital, which made this game almost entirely based on luck, instead of researching the companies and estimating their long term success, we became lucky day-traders.
  9. 3dee

    3dee Level III

    Nov 12, 2006
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    We did something like this as well. However, the teacher allowed us to find anyway of earning money. So while most people did stocks, I was gambling them on sports betting. Ended up tripling my original amount.