After downloading the autobuyer lists, and painstakingly searching through the shop wizard to find the pictures for such items i was wondering if anyone would be interested in making a cache of the profitable items from the main shops?. This would be for mainly legit users who use opera, firefox or even IE. If you're interested in helping leave a msg here and i'll check back toomorrow.
i think thats what he means...but thats kind of pointless...there's already lots of lists out there, and you can even get one on this site for like <20 points so why waste a lot of time making a cache of them, i could be wrong, but if this is for adblocking, it sounds like a waste of time
The only problem with this is that it will take up so much time and prices on the site change quite often. That's why the lists we have at the moment aren't all that accurate. If you were serious about this, it would need to be an ongoing project that would have to be monitored
yep...and thats why when I use the lists I am constantly updating it by adding new image links to it...its easy...maybe I should write a guide about image might clear things up for some ppl and it would be my first guide...
Sure the lists are out their but what i was planning on doing was taking a few shops, probablly furniture, bakery, pharm (since its easy), choco etc and instead of having a list have the actual pictures of the items so yes you could add them to your browser cache, or ad-block whatever you want to call them. EDIT - Or we could rather make a list of items to BLOCK instead.
yeah...we need to make a good pharm list...i'll help if u want...but we don't really have to buy the items...just list them and then find them using shop wizard to get images...