Assorted Game Cheats

Discussion in 'Neopets Guides' started by antikitra, Jan 24, 2007.

  1. antikitra

    antikitra Level IV

    Nov 18, 2006
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    Just some assorted cheats to neopets games. Sure, many are bunched up but when you take the time to look through you might find one you'll like ^-^

    Dice Escape
    All during game play

    Code Effect
    topdown bird's eye view of the game
    helpmeplease extra time
    moretimeruki extra time
    flybywire for a wire view of the game

    Flash Game Cheats
    These cheats should be typed in while playing the game.

    Code Effect
    glubgar +1 life in Volcano Run II.
    ineedmoretime +15 seconds to your time in Kiko Match II
    channyhungry +30 seconds to your time in Spell Or Starve
    scarabeus +30 seconds to your time in Sutek's Tomb
    strawberryvanillachocolate 1 free life in Ice Cream Machine
    plzsutekcanihavemoretime 30 second time bonus in suteks tomb
    marissa a message will appear --- "Now are you happy?" (more blobs in the game) in Jelly Blobs of Doom
    nopopups All the advertisements on the current screen in Advert Attack will disappear. Only one use per game.
    a5paragu5 Bigger Mallet in Whack-a-Staff-Member
    slorgerizer blasts a few slorgs at once in Attack of the Slorgs
    empulse blasts the surrounding enemies in Escape To Kreludor
    rainbownegg Creates a 25 points rainbow negg in jelly blobs of doom
    turdle creates a turdle on your opponents side
    Scallywags Creates a whirlpool in dubloon disaster!
    Nobubbles Dark Faerie bubble in Faerie Bubbles
    buuuurrrrrrrrp decreases your bloat by 50% in snowmuncher
    superlaser Double laser range in Moon Rock Rampage(once per game, resets at end of level)
    fishnegg Eat the fishnegg and get 50 free points
    plzsutekcanihavemoretime Extra 30 seconds
    novisitors Extra 30 seconds on the timer in Moon Rock Rampage(works only once per game)
    bouncebouncebounce extra life in Bouncy Supreme
    geoffrey Extra life in Chia Bomber II
    deliciousflies Extra life in Flycatcher (once per game)
    frumball Extra life in Frumball
    spiderbite Extra Life in Korbat's Lab
    kreludor Extra life in Kreludan Mining Corp.
    meepits extra life in Meepit Juice Break
    hungrymeepits Extra life in Meepit Juice Break
    rampage Extra life in Moon Rock Rampage(works only once per game)
    1morekarpohplease extra life in Raiders of Maraqua
    *catfish* Extra life in The Last Smiley (once per game)
    drfranksloth Extra life in The Return of the Return of Dr Sloth (once per game)
    trappedkadoaties Extra life in Warf Rescue Team
    caperiffic Get a time bonus in The Great Qasalan Caper (once per game)
    snowghettiandmeatball Get an extra 10 snowballs in Snowball Fight (once per game)
    slumberberry Gets rid of blocks in Faerie Bubbles
    catapult Gives you a random bonus item in Ultimate Bullseye
    lava Gives you a shield in Volcano Run
    Oscillabot Gives you an extra attempt at petpetsitter.
    marrow Gives you an extra life in Attack of the Slorgs
    foreverandeverandever Gives you an extra life in Neverending Boss Battle
    brucey Hear an evil laugh as a pattern is drawn across the screen in Brucey B. Slots
    gummydice In Attack of the Gummy Dice, type during gameplay to change the current gummy dice to a different random color. Once per game.
    delightful In Attack of the Gummy Dice, typing delightful at any point during the game, will tranform your current dice into a morph dice.
    blackpawkeet In Attack of the Revenge, typing that while you are on Level 3 or higher will give you an extra life. (Once per game)
    lookoutbruno In Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway, typing lookoutbruno at any point during the game, will give you an extra life.
    monstermovie In Bruno's Backwoods Breakaway, typing monstermovie at any point during the game, will toggle the game into black and white mode or colour mode.
    boohooiwanttheoldgameback In Destruct-O-Match II lets you play the original version (type on the mode select screen)
    GWYLSGREATESTESCAPEEVER In Gwyl's Great Escape, typing that when you click on continue game (and enter this code into the code space) will allow you to play a Secret Level.
    pest In Itchy Invasion, typing pest during gameplay will restore your Pest-B-Gone ammunition to full. (Once per game)
    cyodrake In Kou-Jong, typing that at any point during the game will give you one extra hint. (Once per game)
    trapdoor In Ruins Rampage, typing that will allow you to avoid floor traps or spike traps through the entire game.
    hungrymeowclops In Sophie's Stew, type that during gameplay for an extra life. (Once per game)
    blackpawkeet Increases your chance of getting a 100 dubloon coin in Dubloon Disaster
    supercannonball Large cannonball in Castle Battles
    FaerieBubbles Make all bubbles turn into one type.
    dirigibles Makes a blimp float across the screen of mynci beach volleyball.
    custard More time in Carnival of Terror
    dieter Multiplies your score in Snowmuncher by 100 but it does not stay like that.
    Stardust Nova bubble in Faerie Bubbles
    rehaxtint One extra letter hint in The Castle of Eliv Thade
    Faerieland Rainbow bubble in Faerie Bubbles
    doughnutfruit Reset the timer in Hasee Bounce (once per game)
    juice-o-matic Resets ALL meepit's timers in Meepit Juice Break
    valrigard resets the clock in Escape From Meridell Castle
    chargex4 Restores the laser guide after it cuts out in Attack of the Slorgs. (Can be used as many times as needed)
    vitaminc Returns you to full health in Deckswabber (once per game)
    0:) Skip a level in The Last Smiley (once per game)
    ummaginethief Skip level in Grand Theft Ummagine (but resets your score)
    quaglor skips a level in Faerie Caves II - Fyora's Quest
    salamander skips a level in The Buzzer Game
    kougra Skips level in frumball
    kougra Skips level on Meriball, but resets points.
    superbowl Skips levels in gourmet club bowls
    kougra skips through a level while playing gormball. (no points rewarded though.)
    pyramibread Sutek's Tomb - Gives hint as to what match to make to line up 3 in a row (Unlimited Use)
    r The easiest way to turn the radar on and off in Bouncy Supreme
    :) Toggle to first person view in The Last Smiley
    stardust Turns current bubble in to a Nova Bubble in Faerie Bubbles
    faerieland Turns current bubble in to a Rainbow bubble in Faerie Bubbles
    ferociousneggsareontheloose Type during the Meerca Chase II title screen to unlock the secret ferocious level
    superextrahypergravitymode Type during the Meerca Chase II title screen to unlock the secret gravity level.
    snowfaerie Type this while on the character select screen in Faerie Cloud Racers. This will allow all of the obstacles to disappear for the first round.
    frozensnowflake Typing frozensnowflake will allow you to drop one extra item that round. You will hear chimes when the code is activated.

    freeze will cause Balthazar to freeze in Extreme Herder

    dubloon will increase your chance of having a dubloon fall in Igloo Garage

    destroyboulders Will remove all blocks of one colour from the screen in
    Destruct-O-Match II. Can only be used once per game.

    manybubbles Will turn all bubbles into the same color in Faerie Bubbles

    shepherd x2 score in Gourmet Club Bowls