Auto buying

Discussion in 'Neopets Chit-Chat' started by jeremydavies, Aug 6, 2009.

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  1. jeremydavies

    jeremydavies Level I

    Aug 6, 2009
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    So I'm new to this whole auto buying stuff. I've been turning over a small profit. It's a lot easier playing games, but I used to crank out at least 50,000 NP a day playing games. I've been at auto buying for about a week now and I have made 250,000 NP. I guess that's okay but I hear the stories of people making that a night. What am I doing wrong?
  2. SoC

    SoC Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    What shops, what lists, what refresh rates?

    Per day "LEGIT" i earn over 1mil :p

    (Edit: added quotation marks :p)
  3. jeremydavies

    jeremydavies Level I

    Aug 6, 2009
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    I usually hit the food shop.

    My refresh rates when there are no items is 7-10 seconds
    My rates when there are 6-10 seconds
    My rate when identified item is 1-2 seconds and on haggle page is just 1 second :p
    My list is as follows:

    Acara Rainbow Lollypop
    Baby Bruce Milk Bottle
    Bag of Peanuts
    Battle Duck Negg
    Black Caviar
    Blackberry Elephante Sundae
    BLT Croissant
    BLT Sandwich with Cheese
    Blue Acara Cake
    Blue Goo Techo Cake
    Blue Negg
    Blueberry Achyfi
    Blueberry and Orange Blend
    Blumaroo Ice Cream Sundae
    Bowl of Mushy Peas
    Bubble Yum
    Bubbling Blueberry Cheese Wedge
    Buzz Sandwich
    Candy Cane Negg
    Cheesy Chocoshake
    Cheesy Jetsam Sandwich
    Chilli Salmon Souffle
    Chocolate Chip Gelert Ice Cream Sandwich
    Chocolate Coated Holey Cheese
    Chocolate Coated Tangy Cheese
    Chocolate Covered Tomato
    Chocolate Elephante Sundae
    Chocolate Ice Cream
    Chocolate Nimmo Dessert
    Chocolate Poogle Cupcake
    Chocolate Poogle Lolly
    Chokato Sundae
    Cinnamon Toast Crunch
    Decorative Negg
    Deluxe Ham Sub
    Dollar Menu Snack Size Fruit and Yogurt Parfait
    Dollar Menu Soft Drink
    Double Chicken Leg
    Dried Lupe Snack
    Eggy Weggs
    Elephante Ice Cream
    Exotic Plant
    Extra Meaty Pie
    Extra Meaty Sandwich
    Flaming Hot Burger
    Flaming Hot Chips
    Flaming Hot Meat Taco
    Flotsam Ice Cream Sundae
    Fruit Punch Roll
    Gelert Day Cereal
    Glass Negg
    Golden Caviar
    Gooey Jetsam Sandwich
    Grapefruit Biscuits
    Green Negg
    Ham and Mustard Packed Lunch
    Honey and Bacon Burger
    Honey Nut Cheerios
    Iced Shoyru Meatball
    Kacheek Meatball
    Koi Seaweed Sundae
    Lemon and Orange Blend
    Lemon Swirly Negg
    Lime Swirly Negg
    Low Fat Milk
    Lucky Charms
    Maple Syrup Negg
    Meerca Apertif
    Mega Manoroot Sandwich
    Mega Pipper Sandwich
    Mighty Grarrl Burger
    Mini Koi Cereal
    Minty Blumaroo Cone
    Moehog Marmalade
    Moehog Milkshake
    Mosaic Negg
    Mutated Negg
    Mynci Mushroom Soup
    Mynci Surprise Ice Cream
    Open Top Onion Sandwich
    Orange Jetsam Cupcake
    Orange Negg
    Ornate Purple Negg
    Peach Jelly
    Pineapple and Broccoli Pie
    Pink Negg
    Plain Cheesicle
    Puntec Parcel
    Purple Negg
    Rainbow Negg
    Rainbow Poogle Lolly
    Raspberry Achyfi
    Red Scorchipepper
    Reese? Puffs
    Roast Chestnut Neggnog
    Rock Negg
    Seaweed Bacon
    Seaweed Flotsam Burger
    Shoyru Cereal
    Sparkling Apple Juice
    Starry Scorchipepper
    Strawberry Achyfi
    Strawberry Blumaroo Cone
    Strawberry Cybunny Ice Cream
    Strawberry Ice Cream
    Strawberry Jetsam Ice Cream
    Strawberry Scorchio Treat
    Stuffed Chokatos
    Super Ice Negg
    Sweet and Sour Negg
    Tangy Cheesicle
    Tuskaninny Ice Cream
    Ultra Ice Negg
    Unripe Puntec Wrap
    Vanilla Blumaroo Cone
    Vanilla Elephante Sundae
    Vanilla Poogle Cupcake
    Watermelon Roll
    Wocky Spaghetti Ball
    Wormy Jam Sandwich

    Thank you
  4. boomm

    boomm Level IV

    Nov 1, 2006
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    Foods not the best shop for the highest profit imo. How old is your account? If it is over 3 months move on to something else e.g Stamps #58. And 6-10 refresh rate is rather high set it to something like 3-8, you'll catch more restocks with a faster refresh rate.
  5. SoC

    SoC Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    First of all your fresh rates are backwards, when there is No or LOW items in stock you should refresh FASTER as it's more likely to refresh (presuming your not banned)

    Second of all there FAR too slow, you want refresh of about 3-8 for a slow shop such as food.

    Thirdly your shop is a bad choice, food is rubbish in general for profit.

    Foruthly, your list is HORRIBLE, where did you get that from? Theres LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOADS More items that are profitable from food than your list.

    My rate when identified item is 1-2 seconds and on haggle page is just 1 second :p

    Whats your buy times, from that your looking at 3seconds+ ? that is FAR too slow, you want it about 2seconds ideally.
  6. jeremydavies

    jeremydavies Level I

    Aug 6, 2009
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    I've gotten restock banned at least 4 times since I've started, so I usually keep my times a little high :p

    Anyway. I adjusted. My refresh times for both when there are items and there are no items are 3-8. Identified is 1-2 and haggle page is 1.

    I moved to the post office and am using this list:
    Sword Of Apocalypse Stamp
    Kolvars Stamp
    Slime Titan Stamp
    Rampaging Grundonoil Stamp
    NeoQuest II Logo Stamp
    Celestial Talisman Stamp
    Devilpuss Stamp
    Trestin Stamp
    Librarian Stamp
    Rohanes Mother
    Lost City of Phorofor Stamp
    Von Roos Castle Stamp
    Northern Watch Tower Stamp
    Shadow Gulch Stamp
    Terask Stamp
    Anubits Stamp
    NeoQuest II Esophagor Stamp
    Ramtor Stamp
    Scuzzy Stamp
    Mipsy Stamp
    Talinia Stamp
    Velm Stamp
    Zafara Double Agent Stamp
    Battle Uni Stamp
    Court Dancer Stamp
    Hadrak Stamp
    Blugthak Stamp
    Usul-in-waiting Stamp
    Castle Defender Stamp
    Blumaroo Court Jester Stamp
    Meridell Gardens Stamp
    Sunblade Stamp
    Nova Storm Stamp
    King Skarl Plushie Stamp
    105 Castle Secrets Stamp
    The Great Battle Stamp
    Lord Kass Stamp
    Meerca Spy Stamp
    Morguss Stamp
    The Three Stamp
    Neopia Central Scene
    Alien Aisha Myriad Stamp
    Rainbow Sticky Hand Stamp
    Dark Battle Duck Stamp
    Rod Of Dark Nova Stamp
    Jewelled Scarab Stamp
    Sword of Skardsen Stamp
    Eraser of the Dark Faerie Stamp
    Kings Lens Stamp
    Alien Aisha Ray Gun Stamp
    Wand Of The Dark Faerie Stamp
    Battle Slices Stamp
    Sticky Snowflake Stamp
    Snowbunny Stamp
    Holographic Sakhmet City
    Holographic Virtupets Stamp
    Vitupets Space Station Stamp
    Grundo Warehouse Stamp
    Chocolate Factory Stamp
    Lucky Coin Stamp
    Scarab Stamp
    Holographic Coltzans Shrine
    Usukiland Stamp
    Neopian Hospital Stamp
    Evil Fuzzles Stamp
    Gargarox Isafuhlarg Stamp
    Morris Stamp
    Skeith Defender Stamp
    Darigan Moehog Stamp
    Yellow Knight Stamp
    Meridell Shield Stamp
    Drackonack Stamp
    Darigan Spectre Stamp
    Xantan Stamp
    Guardian Of Spectral Magic Stamp
    Kreai Stamp
    Zombie Faleinn Stamp
    Cliffhanger Stamp
    Tylix Stamp
    Gors The Mighty Stamp
    Jade Scorchstone Stamp
    Zombified Heroes Stamp
    Jeran Stamp
    Desert Paint Brush Stamp
    King Skarl Stamp
    Illusen Stamp
    Turmaculus Stamp
    Negg Faerie Stamp
    Zyrolon Stamp
    Snowager Stamp
    Nibbled Cooking Pot Stamp
    Deluxe Money Tree Stamp
    Super Bright Rainbow Pool Stamp
    Edna the Zafara Stamp
    Glowing Brain Tree
    Lost Desert Scroll Stamp
    Meridell Heroes Stamp
    Darigan Citadel Stamp
    Meridell Castle Stamp
    Green Knight Stamp
    Lisha vs Zombie Lisha Stamp
    Midnight Jelly World Stamp
    Jelly World Stamp
    Shiny Monoceraptor Stamp
    NeoQuest Logo Stamp
    NeoQuest Hero Stamp
    Jahbal Stamp
    Misaligned Printer Stamp
    One Hundred Million Neopoint Stamp
    Upside Down Island Acara Stamp
    Need a Better Printer Stamp
    Foil Food Shop Stamp
    Rainbow Pool Stamp
    Luperus Right Head Stamp
    Luperus Centre Head Stamp
    Luperus Left Head Stamp
    Foil Slorg Stamp
    Holographic Magax Stamp
    Misprint Meuka Stamp
    Spyder Stamp
    Double Printed Evil Fuzzle Stamp
    Inverted Space Faerie Stamp
    Space Faerie Stamp
    Dr. Sloth Stamp
    Gelert Prince Stamp
  7. SoC

    SoC Moderator
    Staff Member

    Jan 24, 2007
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    Please put long lists in spoilers B)

    That looks better, getting restock banned is natural. I expect it EVERY day i RS :) Then wait 19hrs and RS again. RSing for 2hrs and getting banned is better than RSing for 10hrs. for MANY reasons which are obvious :)
  8. gugubee557

    gugubee557 Level II

    Jun 9, 2008
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    Quebec City
    Well, for those low profits, I suggest you Igloo AB.
    It's unfreezable (unless you're really stupid) and you can gain more then 500k per day with a good list. (Anyway, that's my average profit).
  9. jeremydavies

    jeremydavies Level I

    Aug 6, 2009
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    Lol, I agree, but it always hits me right when I'm about to leave my auto buyer on all night and see what I wake up with.

    2nd Post:

    I would, but I'm sort of low on points. Lol :D

    No need to double post, use the 'edit' button next time.
  10. Jane

    Jane Level IV

    Nov 19, 2006
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    Pwning the world one step at a time
  11. kalisha03

    kalisha03 Newbie

    Aug 8, 2009
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    Stamp can turn over a really great profit if you use a good list. I am going to post my list here for ya - and see if you like it. You can also remove stuff if you find it not profitable enough for you - it is to my liking with the stamps on there...

    The Three Stamp
    The Great Battle Stamp
    Scuzzy Stamp
    Lord Kass Stamp
    Darigan Spectre Stamp
    Foil Food Shop Stamp
    One Hundred Million Neopoint Stamp
    Nibbled Cooking Pot Stamp
    Holographic Coltzans Shrine
    Misprint Meuka Stamp
    Need a Better Printer Stamp
    Captain Scarblade Stamp
    Sticky Snowflake Stamp
    Holographic Magax Stamp
    Terask Stamp
    Holographic Virtupets Stamp
    Inverted Space Faerie Stamp
    Snowbunny Stamp
    Misaligned Printer Stamp
    Upside Down Island Acara Stamp
    Double Printed evil Fuzzle Stamp
    Foil Slorg Stamp
    Battle Slices Stamp
    Xantan Stamp
    King Kelpbeard Stamp
    Darkest Faerie Stamp
    Quilin Stamp
    Stone Stamp
    Virtupets Space Station Stamp
    Skeith Defender Stamp
    Ramtor Stamp
    Morguss Stamp
    Jahbal Stamp
    Court Dancer Stamp
    Dark Battle Duck Stamp
    Meerca Spy stamp
    Hadrak Stamp
    NeoQuest Logo Stamp
    NeoQuest II Esophagor Stamp
    NeoQuest Hero Stamp
    Sword Of Apocalypse Stamp
    Garin Stamp
    Isca Stamp
    Count Von Roo Stamp
    Wise Gnorbu Stamp
    Jacques Stamp
    Darigan Moehog Stamp
    Battle Uni Stamp
    Shiny Monoceraptor Stamp
    Drackonack Stamp
    Grundo Warehouse Stamp
    Gors The Mighty Stamp
    Von Roos Castle Stamp
    Anubits Stamp
    Anshu Fishing Stamp
    Torakor Stamp
    Zafara Double Agent Stamp
    Rainbow Sticky Hand Stamp
    Northern Watch Tower Stamp
    Morris Stamp
    Guardian Of Spectral Magic Stamp
    Blugthak Stamp
    The Sleeper Constellation Stamp
    The Cyodrakes Gaze Stamp
    Yellow Knight Stamp
    Lost City of Phorofor Stamp
    Shadow Gulch Stamp
    Altador Travel Stamp
    Biyako SWtamp
    Luperus Right Head Stamp
    Meridell Heros Stamp
    Talinia Stamp
    Commemorative Defenders Stamp #4
    Altador Magic Stamp
    Shumi Telescope Stamp
    Space Faerie Stamp
    Zombified Heros Stamp
    Luperus Centre Head Stamp
    Darigan Citadel Stamp
    Orrin Stamp
    Finneus Stamp
    Gargarox Isafuhlarg Stamp
    Luperus Left Head Stamp
    Blumaroo Court Jester Stamp
    Haunted Mansion Stamp
    Mipsy Stamp
    Meridell Castle Stamp
    Lucky Coin Stamp
    Astronomy Club Stamp
    Thoughtful Linae Stamp
    Swordsmaster Talek Stamp
    Green Knight Stamp
    The Revenge Stamp
    Hoban Stamp
    Florin Stamp
    Zyrolon Stamp
    Negg Faerie Stamp
    Castle Defender Stamp
    Sunblade Stamp
    Kreai Stamp
    Eleus Stamp
    Dr. Sloth Stamp
    Zurroball Stamp
    Lisha vs Zombie Lisha Stamp
    Caylis Stamp
    Garin To The Rescue Stamp
    Rainbow Pool Stamp
    Edna the Zafara Stamp
    Mystery Island Travel Stamp
    Lost Desert Scroll Stamp
    Spyder Stamp
    Jade Scorchstone Stamp
    Illusen Stamp
    Jelly World Stamp
    Kentari Spygladd Stamp
    Tylix Stamp
    Christmas Scene Stamp
    Devilpuss Stamp
    Snowager Stamp
    Holographic Sakhmet City
    Usul-in-waiting Stamp
    Chocolate Factory Stamp
    Evil Fuzzles Stamp
    Rod Of Dark Nova Stamp
    Kolvars Stamp
    King Skarl Plushie
    The Drenched Stamp
    Super Bright Rainbow Pool Stamp
    Neopia Central Stamp
    Desert Paint Brush stamp
    Meridell Shield Stamp
    Kou-Jong Tile Stamp
    Chasm Beast Stamp
    Jewelled Scarab Stamp
    Cliffhanger Stamp
    Celestial Talisman
    Hubrid Noxs Mountain Fortress Stamp
    Mokti and Rikti Stamp
    Scurvy Island Stamp
    Flying Korbats Stamp
    Usukiland Stamp
    Glowing Brain Tree
    Cyodrakes Gaze Logo Stamp
    Kings Lens Stamp
    Zombie Faleinn Stamp
    Rohanes Mother Stamp
    Wand Of The Dark Faerie Stamp
    Trestin Stamp
    Eraser of the Dark Faerie Stamp
    Neopian Hospital Stamp
    NeoQuest II Logo Stamp
    105 Castle Secrets Stamp
    Goregas Stamp
    Maraquan Charger Stamp
    The Black Pawkeet Stamp
    Meridell Gardens Stamp
    Commemorative Defenders Stamp #3
    Pineapple Dessert Stamp
    Maraquan Blade Specialist Stamp
    Mutant Grundo Stamp
    Tazzalor Stamp
    Librarian Stamp
    Exploding Acorns Stamp
    Tyrannian Plateau Stamp
    Dark Graspberry Stamp
    Ski Lodge Stamp
    Jhudoras Bewitched Ring Stamp
    Jelly Pop Stamp
    Bonju Stamp
    Rink Runner Stamp
    Shop Wizard Stamp
    Grinning Sloth Stamp
  12. Shawn

    Shawn Level IV

    Jul 15, 2009
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    Somewhere, lah.
    Foods not a good shop
    I AB in magic and stamp, just made 4m.

    So, good luck ABing :D

    but becareful, the ice rate is sky high
  13. gaelle

    gaelle Level IV

    Dec 24, 2006
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    Morphing potion are often very HTS ! I really prefer stamps because there are often expensive stamps ! But don' ab there, you'll get frozne quickly !
  14. camzy

    camzy Level I

    Aug 18, 2009
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    I RS properly in Bakery and Spooky Food. The turnover is modest, but I'm OK with it since I'm doing it by hand.

    If I were to use an AB'er which shops should I go for?

    I'd like to AB at a shop with rare items but isn't really that popular.

    Brightvale potionery or Brightvale armory?

    Faerie Weaponry (Psellias Fan :))
    Magical Marvels
    Food shops?
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