What do you think which is faster? sometimes i think that if can type faster numbers like 2424 like the auto-haggler , but i dont get it... sometimes on rare items the autohaggle is very slow , but you get the item! so i think the auto-haggle is faster
Well it really depends on how experienced of a RSer you are, Alot of people can haggle faster than some Autohagglers.
Depends on your browser speed also. Auto hagglers can go way faster if your browser/internet speed is fast.
I doubt internet speed is relevant to the haggle, computer speed and browser though would probably be relevant. I just use auto-haggle (and now ab ) because I was lazy and to eliminate mistakes, depends mostly on how the script works I'd imagine, finely tuned it would almost definately be faster than a human.
ok , am , i tried to get a morphing potion yesterday, i restocked like 1 hour and everytime it misses , can i speed up the haggle without increase the chance beeing iced
Not certain on this but TNT probably only tracks total buy time so if you are still hitting the ok button and manually clicking the pic then you are probably still safe, I used to use both auto-haggle and a auto-pet clicker and I certainly managed to get some nice mp's my internet's slow enough that it always looks legit I guess (no ice yet knock on wood)
auto haggling is typically faster, but if you find an item that you know what you can get it for, it may be faster to do it yourself. If you are an avid typer.
It depends what time you do it too. If its at peak times there are 40-45k people online. A lot of those people are using AB's too. I try when traffic is at about 15-20k. Though I have gotten some good auto haggles when there were 36k people online.
When I first started out (legitly) restocking, I actually practised haggling. I practised these (type of) combinations: 4646 5432 54345 ^ I use top row. Not sure if I'm faster than an auto haggler now, but I've certainly improved.