i Keep accidently grave digging, so i though maybe you could have an auto lock to lock that board after it hasn't been posted on in 7 days or something. It would get rid of the whole grave digging, cause unlocked old boards are just a grave dig waiting to happen... I don't know if its possible or not, but if so, i think it'd be a really great feature.
Something with that: Gravdig is 7 days. Also, I discussed this with a mod, if someone gravedigs, but it contributes to the board GREATLY, then it won't be a gravedig, but that is rare and up to the mod.
Discussed before Shot down before shot down again No no and no as mayn have said, a post IS ALLOWED after 7days, heck ist allowed after 2years. As long as it's contributing, a good post, needed. and not just something worthless.